Chapter 22

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" Y/n? Are we gonna go visit the dragons soon? " April looked up from me and smiled, Myles, April, and I was strolling around Crocus. It was the second night of the games and we were beyond excited to get to the next, I was gonna volunteer for the next mini-game and April and Myles were cheering when they heard the news. April, on the other hand, wanted to go visit the dragons soon. We haven't seen the dragons in quite a bit so it would be nice to travel back to the dragon world. " Soon, after the games, we'll go visit them. " April's eyes twinkled as I said that, she's always admired the dragons that taught me my magic. Right when Myles opened his mouth my ears perked up at the strange sound, it sounded like an explosion from afar. " Guys, we have a problem. " Using my dragon smell I could smell the scent of fire lingering in the air, the scent of Natsu. " Come on! " I continued to smell the air, us three running down the streets of Crocus towards the strange scent. We ran for a good minute before stopping in front of the Sabertooth hotel, Natsu's scent staining the air from which you could smell from miles away. 

I stared up at the hotel with gritted teeth, Natsu, of all places you picked this one? I stomped up the stairs to the front door that held a huge hole. Natsu's fire and smoke claimed the air where he stood fighting off the Sabertooth members. " NATSU! " I growled out, everyone in the guild froze, a black aura surrounded my body while the whole room went into a stage of complete silence. He turned around, his body freezing and his eyes widening, I clenched my fist in pure anger. Wait until Gramps hears about this, oh Natsu's gonna be digging his own grave. " If you have something to say to me, you should say it. " Natsu's smirk increased, he turned back towards the Master of this guild. " You the master of this sorry bunch?  So it's one loss and your out on the streets huh? Hah, those are some hardcore rules pal, let's see if you play by it. If you lose to me, you got to quit the guild too. " I stood back and watched the fight between Natsu and this Dobengal guy, one punch and the foe was already on the floor. Natsu smirked before running towards the master of Sabertooth, now, he's not going down lightly. 

" Natsu no! " I teleported in front of the Sabertooth master if Natsu even landed a hit we could be in major trouble, even get disqualified from the games. Both Natsu and I stared at one another in pure shock, he didn't have enough time to draw back and nor did I to block his attack. His fire fist had punched me square in the stomach, his full magic power launched me back into a wall where I slammed into the wall and fell to the floor. The whole guild followed into gasps, Natsu stood there with widened eyes, his fire fist had depleted to nothing. I hissed and crawled up, I crawled up to where my elbows held me up as I stared at Natsu. " Y/N! " April and Myles came running towards me with scared looks plastered on their faces. " It's time to draw back Natsu. " He gritted his teeth, his hands balling into a fist. " I SAID DRAWBACK! " Natsu flinched at my voice, he backed away from the master of Sabertooth. " Give me back my comrade. " A girl had appeared from beside the master, a smirk had laid on her face and appeared Happy in her arms. The ropes around him fell to the ground as he ran towards Natsu in a fit of tears. " Reverse. " I mumbled, everyone stared in awe at the debris that lied on the ground began floating up. The whole hotel had begun to restore itself, all the damage that Natsu made wasn't relevant anymore. 

" Heh, here. " Sting had walked over from behind the black haired girl and held out a hand. His cocky smirk replaced with a smile, I stared at his hand for a split second before taking it. I was too irritated to realize how our hands fit into one another's like a perfect puzzle piece. " Come on, were leaving. " 

Sting had stared at Y/n who walked towards Natsu, her two exceeds following behind her. She stood next to Natsu before cracking a small smile, her head stood tall before her beautiful voice had rung into our ears. " I apologize for the inconvenience. " She looked at Natsu with a glare before every light in the hotel flickered off when they came back on. They were gone. Rouge and I shared a look before he muttered. " I can't believe he hit her. " I looked at him with a frown, It took all my guts to not kill him, he hit my, no, our mate, with his own magic. " He hit our mate. " 

That's the end hope you all liked it!! 
I honestly love this chapter so I hope you guys do too!
Bye my unicorns XOXO

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