Chapter 62

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All of Crime Sorciere sweat dropped at the sight of Erik and Y/N wrestling on the floor in the middle of the living room. The two arguing and trying to pin one another to the floor while trying to throw punches and scratches. April and Myles were sat at the sidelines cheering on their best friend.
" No I am! " Erik snapped, the two were arguing over who was stronger, him or Y/n.

Everyone in Crime Sorciere knew Y/N was clearly stronger due to her newly achieved title as Wizard Saint number 5, although she declined the position on the magic council due to her busy life she was given the title by non other than Warrod, former founder of Fairy Tail. " Pull them apart already, we have places to be. " Jellal had said in a monotone voice, Racer and Hoteye had walked over to the two, Racer had grabbed Erik who was growling and trying to break out of his friends grip while Hoyeye had lifted Y/n off the ground who growled and dusted off her cape.

" This isn't over. " Erik had said, Y/n huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. " Um, Y/n, your pockets glowing. " Meldy had exclaimed, Y/n lifted up her arms to look down at the pocket sleeve on her cape, her black cape had in fact held a bright glow to it. She dug out her lacrima device and a smile brightened across her face. " It's Sting! "

I opened the magical call, Sting had set down the device on his desk and mumbled to himself. His lips forming a huge smile once I had popped up on the other end. " Princess how have you been? " Suddenly Lector had appeared beside Sting, waving at the lacrima. " Hi Y/n! " My two exceeds had run over to me, jumping excitedly to see their best friend. " Hi Lector! " I slowly sank down to the floor, sitting criss cross and allowing the exceeds to sit in my lap to greet the Sabertooth members.

" Lector! " Myles yelled, he waved his paw at Lector and smiled brightly. " Hey Y/n! Nastu-San stopped by the guild. He was looking for you! " My smile slowly sank before Sting slightly nudged Lector and whispered. " I wanted to tell her! " He whined. I giggled. " He dropped by and took Rouge's job. Do you know why? " I hummed before shaking my head. " Oh, well he was acting weird. Should I tell you where the job is or- "

" No. "

" Huh? "

" I'm not ready. " Sting shuffled in his chair and sat up, he adjusted his lacrima and ran a hand threw his hair with a sigh. " You should talk to him. " April had grabbed my lacrima, adjusting it so only she was shown through the lacrima. " Are you so foolish that you forgot what he did. " Sting sat up and gasp. " Of course I'm not! Why are you always so mean to me! " Sting whined, Lector had popped up in the lacrima, happily smiling and staring at April threw the lacrima. " April! Are you wearing the jacket I got you! You look really beautiful. " Lector blushed, I narrowed my eyes at the red cat before he was pushed out of the way by Sting.

" You can flirt with her later, were having grown up talk. " Lector was no longer on the lacrima but was speaking in the background. " Hey! I'm a grown up! " Suddenly the two started bickering, Sting had yelped once a stack of papers had fell over, causing the lacrima to completely fall over and go black. A loud scream which I automatically knew came from Sting had echoed threw the black screen before he yelled. " Lector! "

" I'm sorry! "

Then the call had cut off, I blinked and looked over at Erik who sat amused at the call. " What just happend? " I looked around at the rest of the Crime Sorciere members and then back at the lacrima cell phone in my hand. " Uh, I don't know.


" Where is she Metalhead! " After defeating Avatar Gajeel and the magic council had showed up and here they were trying to pry Natsu away from Gajeel. " You're under arrest for harrassment Salamander! " Gajeel growled and pried Natsu's hands away from his shirt that he had gripped in his hands. " Where is she! " Gajeel pushed Natsu away and dusted off his clothing. " She's with Erik. "  He scrowled, he crossed his arms over his chest and rolled his eyes. " Erik? " Natsu questioned, he tilted his head, the name didn't sound familiar to him at all.

" He's another dragon slayer. " Everest had said, he stepped forward. Natsu glanced at him and back at Gajeel, his mind trying to figure out who this Erik was. " That poison dragon slayer Nastu. " Lucy said, she stood beside Everest, the two flashed one another a look before they looked back at Natsu who stood there with clenched fists and gritted teeth. " Why is she with him! " He spat, Gajeel scrunched his nose and took a step back from the angry dragon slayer.

" They mated. " The group had turned towards the voice, Sting has stood there with his hands dug in his pockets with Rouge, Lector and Frosch standing beside him. " What do you mean they mated? " His said with gritted teeth, the anger in his voice was clear and had his friends step back. " What do you think? " Natsu gulped, he let out a breath and inhaled a huge gulp of air. He lowered his head before muttering out. " Where is she? "

" I already said, she's with Erik. " Erza stepped forward, arms crossed over her silver armour and stood tall with a stonic expression. " Crime Sorciere. She with Crime Sorciere. " Happy had looked up at Lucy with a frown. " Do you know where Crime Sorciere is Lushy? " Lucy looked down at Happy and shuck her head. " Natsu's been sad too. " Lucy and Everest had looked down at Happy then crouched down to the small cat.

" What do you mean? "
Happy had looked over at his best friend and back at Lucy. " He missed her a lot. "

That's the end of this chapter!
Bye my Unicorns XOXO

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