Asuma Sarutobi

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Hidan was the one who now supported the body of the monk, which was now denoted more rotten than before. It was really disgusting to walk behind him and look at him 24 hours a day. We both kept walking as we listened to Hidan complain about not wanting to carry said corpse.

I stopped walking for a moment, both Akatsukis, noticing it, stopped a few steps away from me.

"What are you doing? So we'll get there later!"

"Silence Hidan" he clicked his tongue when he heard that he was commanding him to shut up.

I looked at the ground and began to make the seals corresponding to the invocation. My bird appeared and I told him to fly over the area in search of the enemy. She took flight and I started walking ahead of the Akatsukis leaving them behind.

"Hey! What was that?" I ignored her screams and kept walking.

"It was a bird; I present it to you" I replied sarcastically as I began to walk.

Hidan clicked his tongue again as he followed Kakuzu who soon started walking without asking any question.

I wonder how long it will take your follower to notify the Hokage. I let out a sarcastic laugh thinking of the monk's follower who had the honor of witnessing how he murdered his beloved monk, which I let go out of curiosity to the see what if the Konoha found out -

They ignored me and kept walking. I had to make sure how many people Senju had sent, I wanted to know how many families were going to give them the opportunity to hold a wake. Considering that this monk was important to the fire nation, they would send a large number of shinobi without exaggeration, and not exactly the strong ones. None were good enough for me, except maybe; Senju. Why, of course, she wasn't fifth for nothing, she hadn't been offered that position for nothing, and she wasn't a Sanin for nothing. A noise echoed in my ears, I looked at the sky and my bird came down to perch on my outstretched arm in front of me.

"A man with the same loincloth?"

Ask the air confused. Without thinking twice, both Akatsukis approached me and positioned themselves in front of me with curiosity and confusion in their eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

I looked away from my bird and directed it to both of them. "Eighty shinobi formed into twenty teams, made up of four people each..." I whispered. Hidan immediately raised his hand asking for a clearer explanation.

Who in the village had the same loincloth as the monk? It was difficult to know, there were so many shinobi in the village that it would be very difficult for me to remember the characteristics of each one, especially since none of them mattered at all to me to remember.

"She meant that eighty Shinobi are coming to hunt us down" replied Kakuzu, turning on himself, starting to walk again.

Look at my bird giving directions to search for that specific shinobi. She took flight and I resumed my walk following both Akatsukis a few meters away, looking for signs of one of those many shinobi.


The renegade bird took flight leaving behind the three in charge of collecting the reward to follow its endless path. It flew rapidly through the skies in the direction of its sole purpose and commission. They followed the passage through the heavens by the team in charge of going to the temple, now destroyed. Courtesy of the zombie team.

The four ninjas that made up that team stood on the main stairs of the destroyed temple, contemplating every rubble that had replaced the beautiful temple.

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