Before he could throw it away, or at least shove it in his bag, Yugyeom snatched it out of his hand and scowled.

Taehyung watched the girls frown when Yugyeom turned in his seat, clearly having forgotten that they were friends.

"Alright I'm fucking sick of this," He announced.

The teacher raised one eyebrow, "Mr. Kim, what are you doing?"

"Sir are you aware over 97% of your class are bullies?"

"What are you talking about?

"Yugyeom..stop. It's f-fine," Taehyung whispered. He did not want to get a teacher involved. Teachers never did anything about things like that.

"No it isn't. If this is going to make you uncomfortable, I won't. But if this is just because you don't want Mr. Park involved, I'm doing it,"

Taehyung put his head down on the desk, slowly giving the elder the thumbs up.

Yugyeom smiled at him, even though he couldn't see. The smiled quickly turned into a scowl when he turned back to the teacher, "Mr. Park, Taehyung is pretty new. He hasn't even been here for a full week, and yet almost every single person has been a complete and utter bitch to him,"

"Mr. Kim," The teacher said, addressing Taehyung, who lifted his head, "Can I speak to you outside? The rest of you, flip to page 263 and complete the first 20 questions,"

The girls scoffed when he got up, shuffling over past the door.

"Y-yes Mr. Park?" He muttered.

"How bad is it?"

"Um, I d-don't know what you're t-talking about, sir,"

"Yes you do,"

Taehyung sighed, "I-I..." He handed the teacher the piece of paper he had stole back from Yugyeom.

"Taehyung....this is your first week. This is terrible, has anything happened? Have there been any fights?"

He shook his head.

Mr. Park thought for a second, "Tell me whever something happens, alright? I can get the kids expelled. Who wrote the note?"


"Thank you Taehyung. BigHit takes bullying very seriously, and this is completely unacceptable. We want our students to feel safe and comfortable so it's easier to learn. Now, I don't think you need to be here for the rest of the day, so go home,"

"Um, what?"

"I'll sort some things out here, go home,"

Taehyung sputtered, "S-sir, are you s-sure?"

Mr. Park groaned, "Taehyung, I'm 1000% sure. Just go rest, please,"

He hesitated, but did eventually head out of the school. He texted Yugyeom about his stuff, and the elder said he would drop it off sometime within the weekend.

Halfway back home, he stopped. 'Fuck. What do I do about Yoongi Hyung?' He didn't have his number, and didn't know where he was at the moment, so he couldn't explain why he isn't at school.

'Jin Hyung!' He thought. He had Jin's number, and knew he knows Yoongi.

Hyung! I need help pls
Sent: 819

Are you ok? Are you hurt? What's wrong??!!!!

I need Yoongi Hyung's number


Jin Hyung?
read 8:20
heyy!! I can see you reading these!
read 8:20
Hyungie :(((((

why must you be so cute?
but dont do that again! you scared me, i thought you were hurt

sorry :((
but....yoongi hyung's number is....?

*attatched contact*

Hyung I think you sent me the wrong person
this says "grandpa"

no thats right. thats yoongi
you're welcome :)
ah fuck
sorry i have to go, joon's asking for me

oh, okay
thank youu <3

Taehyung sighed, pocketing his phone to unlock his door. "I w-wasn't even at school for an hour," He muttered.

He sent a quick text to Yoongi, just saying he wasn't at school anymore and he could just come down to pick him up whenever.

Less than 10 minutes later, after he had changed into his best clothes, someone knocked on his door.

The door opened to Yoongi's smirking face, "Ready for our date?"


hi hoes. 1253 words

im so bad at science lmao. actually im bad at everything except for math. i can only do math.

ahh im so not excited for the school year. i have no friends in my lunch, not even my brother. i have 1 friend in 1 class, the whole damn year. and my parents keep saying "oh now you can make more friends" but ive tried to make friends with 99% of the people and i hate them all

and one of the dudes in my class once asked every single girl in the school i hate him lol. the worst part is ive been in school with him my whole life???? he also used to live like 4 houses away from me??? so it was really awkward when i told him to fuck off but we still walked like a quarter of a mile in the same direction.

but its whatever. i finished school for the day, tomorrow i only have 3 classes, and now i can do whatever i want.

Stay safe and healthy <3

Anyways, bye bye <33!!

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