Chapter Twenty-Nine

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7/31 Sunday, Daytime

"Okay so the only people who were available for today's secret mission is Morgana, me, Ryuji, and Ann."

"The original four!" Ann cheered and Ryuji was ready to get down to business

"So, what do we gotta do first? Try an find out the keywords to her dad's palace?"

"First, we have to check Mementos and see if we can find her mother and brother in there. Once we do, when we get the chance to enter her palace, that is when we initiate the plan."

"Okay then. Then we should only be investigating right? I think this should be fine. I mean there's enough of us to fight should we encounter shadows."

"Yeah. I think so too. Not to mention this is the group that was able to take down a palace before. We have more experience than we did also. We got this in the bag!"

"Even so, don't forget. We should still be careful and try to find anything that can help us."

"If everyone is ready, lets go."

Everyone nodded and Akira entered the Nav and their surroundings change to that of the mysterious scary looking Mementos covered in red and black colors. They rode the Mona car and check out the different levels of Mementos and stop at the Path of Akzeriyuth as Mona said he sense a target in the eight floor. They rode for a while until they found a portal and went through it. There they saw a boy who was wearing a vest, dress shirt, and formal pants with shiny pointy shoes. He had his school emblem on his vest and when the thieves got close to him, he started to laugh.

"Well, well. You must be the phantom thieves. Have you come because of people at school can't shut their mouths from all the beatings I give them? I only did it because they don't follow my rules. I'm the most wealthiest student as everyone's else family only pretends to be rich. Why, if it weren't for my sister's popularity, none of us would be high in the food chain. Everyone wants to get on my good side just so they can meet her."

"What the eff man!? You guys are using Eliza like her only purpose is to bring you money!"

"She's not good at managing the family business! What other use do we have for her!? She should be glad that we didn't throw her out to the streets. If she wasn't so insisted on proving herself, none of this would have happened!"

"Why you little-!"

"Skull! We can't make a move yet! We have to wait and find her mom. Then we need to get to her dad before making the change of heart." Panther whispers while trying to hold off Skull from beating up the boy.

"What? You going to try and change my heart? Good luck with that! You can't even harm me. Not with the protection and money I have."

"Money that isn't even yours! Eliza work her hardest to obtain all that! You guys just keep it for yourselves!" Panther yelled out and Joker was next to tell him how he felt.

"Don't you understand the burden you have put on your sister? She's suffering everyday just to make you guys happy."

"So what? It's not going to change anything. She is just like every other girl, vulnerable and only suited to be the whore that she is. Father says so and that's what she is."

"No she's-"

"Skull! Calm down! I understand your frustration but now we gotta leave him alone."

"We'll be coming back for you later." Joker says as he walks away with the others and Eliza's brother, Ethan just laughs at them.

"You better run! You know can't touch me!!"

After they left, they check all the way to the twelfth floor and no sign of her mother.

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