Chapter Thirty-Four

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8/29 Monday, Early Morning

Akira was right outside of Leblanc, bag by his shoulder, Futaba waiting to go, and Sojiro giving him the rundown.

"Futaba will be in your care today. Make sure you don't let any dudes try to hit on her."

"Don't worry. I won't leave her side. None of us will."

"Good, as long as you understand. I'll be counting on you."

"Hey, can we go already?" Futaba whines

"Are you sure you'll be all right?"

"It's just a day trip! Don't underestimate me!" She yells and he was shocked by her response.


"It's okay Futaba. He's just worry."

"Guess I just have to let it go. Have fun, but be careful you two."

Once Akira and Futaba met up with the others, they went together on a bus and once they got to the beach, they changed into their bathing suits and the boys were the first ones out. Yusuke was wearing a white hood with the hood up to block the sun's rays meanwhile Akira and Ryuji just had their shorts on. They decided to sit by a nearby table, Akira grabbed a soda not really to drink it but have the coolness of the can by his skin as he was feeling hot. Ryuji decided to grab a popsicle and started to eat it and Yusuke stayed with a cool water bottle.

Once they sat down, Ryuji looks at the people who were also at the beach enjoying the time of their lives and he realized something,

"Man, it's packed..."

Yusuke does his signature box with his fingers and they heard someone talking,

"Sorry for the wait."

Ann fixes her swimsuit a bit, meanwhile keeping her pink tube on her left side. Makoto comes out too with her bag and Ryuji makes this face as he sees the girls in their swimsuits and Ann laughs and points at him.

"Ahahahahahaha! Got a better opinion of me now? What, cat got your tongue? C'mon!"

Ann wraps one arm around him and lightly punches his stomach. Akira looks at Makoto and then notices someone was missing.

"Are we missing one?"

Makoto looks behind her and they hear someone about to come out but they stop themselves. Then they decided to finally come out. Futaba comes out with a towel wrapped around her head and the boys were shocked.

"Thish ish perfecsh!"

"Uhh...There's nothing perfect about that. Here let me help. Stay still for a second. You'll be just fine."

Everyone smiles at her once the towel was off and she smiled back.


"It's so hoooooot!" Ryuji whines

"There's a lot of people here... Are you ok, Futaba?" Makoto asks Futaba

"I'm fine. You guys are here."

"It's almost lunchtime. Come on let's eat!" Ann says

"I'll go get some stuff for us then." Ryuji suggests to the group only for Futaba to take something out of her bag and Yusuke was shocked.

"You're eating that even here!?"

"My staple food."

Once they got their food, they sat down and took their time to eat. Some were done quick but others only ate half of their food.

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