Chapter Twenty

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"Oww..." Ann said as she rubbed her butt from the fall.

"I think I cracked my ass." said Ryuji getting up and Yusuke straightened up real quick.

"Ann, are you all right!? Is yours cracked as well?"

"Of course not!"

"Isn't it supposed to be though?" Makoto questioned and Eli dusted off her clothes.

"Let's just drop it please."

"More importantly, it's dangerous for us to just charge out like that!"

"I second that." Eliza nodded her head at Ann and Ann started freaking out.

"Everyone is staring at us!"

"Thank goodness nobody was hurt."

"Where is Morgana exactly?" Everyone started looking around as Eli mentioned their feline friend and Akira found him in the street with a gold briefcase on top of him.

"I wouldn't say, everybody," Ryuji also saw Morgana and Yusuke sighs, "It appears to have been the cause of Morgana's demise."

"Don't say it as if he's dead!" Eliza lightly slapped Yusuke's arm and went to retrieve the treasure and the injured cat.

She gave the briefcase to Ryuji to hold while Eliza cradle the cat in her arms. They crossed the street and everyone stood still to figure out where they will go.

"Where should we open it?" Makoto questioned 

"How about at Karaoke?"

"We have security cameras to worry about."

"Oh, I got the perfect place." Ryuji looked at Akira and Ann looked at him as well and smiled.

"Thats right!"

"I was just in the mood for some coffee too."

"Coffee? Are we going to a cafe? What about Morgana?"

"Don't worry we can patch him up when we get there."

"W-Well alright."

They took the train to Yongen and Akira opened the door for everyone and Eliza looked up at the sign that said, "Leblanc Curry and Cafe". She remembered them coming out from this place when they found her injured. It seems to be their hangout spot from what it seems. As she entered, she saw a not so old man behind the counter, reading a newspaper and he looked up as he heard the bell chime.

"You brought your friends again and it seems you've brought two more girls."

"They're new friends I made. Eliza, Makoto, this is Sojiro Sakura. He is my caretaker."

Eli let Ann take hold of Morgana as they went upstairs.

"Hello, Sakura-san."

"Hello, Sakura-san, a pleasure to meet you. You have a fine retro cafe here." 

"Thanks. Most people just called me Boss. I hope he hasn't been any trouble."

"He is of no trouble at all. He always joins me to lunch along with Ryuji and Ann. Also helps me study for upcoming tests and reads with me in the library. I say he is a splendid friend. No need to worry about him, boss." Eliza said and Makoto excused herself to join the others upstairs.

"Well, that's good to hear. I must thank you for keeping him out of trouble."

"I think you misunderstand. He is the one that keeps me out of trouble. Akira is very special to me and I would like to also know more about you when I get the chance. Excuse me for changing subjects but I heard you make some very delicious coffee. May I have one you would recommend?"

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