Chapter Six

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5/3 Tuesday Afternoon

"Hey, I'm here!"

"Ryuji! I'm very pleased you can make it! If you don't mind, we'll be going to the underground mall for our first stop."

"I got no problem with that. Let's go."


Ryuji and Eliza walked down the stairs and into the underground mall and she sees all the shops that were there.

"I never knew in such a medium size space, so many shops can be here and fit everything they want to sell. This is very different from back home."

"Oh, yea? How different? You never did tell us much about where you used to live."

"Well... The streets were a small bit bigger but not as big as the roads, the stores are big that they take up the whole building from top to bottom. The restaurants were big and fancy with such blinding light sometimes. Whenever I could, I would sneak out and go to small cafes or any other food places and enjoy the simple service of food. There was this one place that made the best cakes and one of them was a carrot cake that wasn't so sweet nor too dry. The coffee with it was nicely done but I mostly prefer the apple cinnamon tea they had. Ah! I'm sorry, I was running my mouth and going off topic."

"It's alright. It's actually pretty interesting to hear you talk about your favorite foods and drinks. Sounds like its pretty cool over there."

"Well, most of it. The people are nice, but if you do something wrong just this once, and it gets around, you're already someone that no one would have interest in. It is mostly based on ranks really. If you want to be seen by the higher-ups then you must make a name for yourself. It also applies to family as well. Your own family even has to see you are good enough to carry out the family name and be able to do things on your feet."

"Damn, that sounds harsh. Even to your own family, you have to do those stuff? That's a pain and really mess up. Does that mean you're doing it too?"

"Yes actually. Its happening right at this very moment even though I'm not at home. Actually, the only reason I'm even here is that..."

No... I don't have the guts to tell him yet... I can't! I want to so bad but... I just can't find the courage to tell him...

"I'm here because I wanted to expand my parent's business. Also, if I'm given the chance, I can work with the police and probably find out about these psychotic breakdowns or mental shutdowns. Maybe then, I could find out more than what the media is telling."

"Wait a minute! You want to work with the effin police!? Why!? They're fucking shit!"

"Well Ryuji, let me put it in a way you can understand. If I get a position to join and be in the case, maybe then we can find out what is truly causing these people to go berserk. It's true the detectives are working hard, but they are making no progress."

Maybe then it could possibly answer that place I keep seeing in my dreams...

"Let's not talk about this anymore. I can barely wrap my head as to why you would wanna do that."

"My reason is to find the truth of this case. I can't explain them to you yet, but I promise I will tell you one day and to Akira as well. Let us finish this conversation and begin our shopping, shall we?"

5/3 Evening

Eliza and Ryuji spent the whole day in the underground mall and finish it with going to the arcade, having Ryuji show her how to play mostly all the games they could before they decided to go their separate ways. On the way home, Eliza was making her way to her home just having a few more miles to go, only to hear a ring go off. She takes her phone out of her pocket to see it was her agent and caretaker calling her.

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