Chapter Forty-Two

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For one whole day, the Phantom thieves didn't contact one another nor even tried to. Everyone went to school but did their own thing and avoided each other as much as they could. Until afterschool rolled in that Eliza was going to go home and try to talk to Akira that she noticed a student with very short floof hair pass by her in a hurry. She seemed to have drop her school ID card and when Eliza picked it up, the ID read,

Haru Okumura.

The daughter of the CEO, Mr.Okumura from Big Bang Burger. This was it. She could meet with this man's daughter and talk to her about the scandals of her father. It was almost a coincidence this happened. Now it was time to follow her. She follow her all the way to a large building that she can only assume was a headquarters of some sort. She noticed that Haru had whipped out her phone and she disappeared before her eyes.

Eli was shocked. This could only mean one thing.

She has the Metaverse App.

She was not expecting that someone outside of the group would also have the app. Then again, it was similar to how she herself had the app before she met the rest of the group. Now, she had to make sure this Haru girl was not causing any trouble in the palace. She then noticed that she herself was also dragged into the palace. She transformed into her thief outfit and was standing in front of what look like a sci-fi galactic theme palace. She knew this was no time for sight-seeing and used the floor elevator platform to continue onwards. Once the elevator got her down, she noticed that now she was in a room that had three tables with different buttons, screens, and levers. She didn't want to touch any of that and so now look around to see two doors, opposite sides of one another. She took the right door but that was shut. She then went to the left door which gladly open for her. She went further in the hallway and saw another door right in front of her. There was an opening to a bottom floor with robots working and talking to one another. She saw no enemies yet and so made sure not to be seen by the robots.

The next door also opened and it was a hologram of a bun on a machine in the center of the room. Another door was wide open on the left and before she could get inside she noticed that the Haru girl was coming out of there with enemies on her trail. She was also surprise to see that her clothes changed and that she was wearing a mask.

No way! She has a persona?! Well, that's not important at the moment. She needs help.

Eliza ran towards Okumura and grab her wrist and before she could lead them to the door that she just came from, the door locked itself shut.

"What!? No way." Eliza spun around to see that the shadows were surrounding the two ladies.

"Hey, can you fight?"

" My power is not strong enough."

Her persona is...not strong enough? How is that possible? No no. I have to focus on the enemies! I'll ask her questions later.

"Seems like I'm on my own. Just stay behind me."


"Come, Ylissela!"

Her persona appeared and with her staff, blew the shadows with such force, that they landed a few feet away. It seems they got angry as they evolve and show their true selves from the robot appearance that they had.

"Ylissela, we must show them our power."

Eliza took out her scythe and unleash heat wave to the enemies. Her persona took out her sword and started to copy Eli's movements. Once the enemies were gone, she notice more enemies were coming their way. The door behind them finally opened and she grab Haru's wrist once more and took her back to the entrance.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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