Chapter Two

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4/12 Tuesday Morning

The next day, she met him on the train again and saved him a seat which he gladly took and they talked all the way until their stop. It was raining yet again and both were under their own umbrellas and had walked inside the school.

"You're sixteen as well?"


"Marvelous! It's very exciting to meet someone my age for once. Oh, that reminds me, Ryuji must be sixteen as well. So that means I met two people my age. I have been mostly around adults or people three years my age."

"Why's that?"

"Well, as you can guess by those men in black who escorted me to school, I'm a 'popular figure' and in all honesty, I rather not be. I have been homeschool for most of my life and never been to an actual academy. Anyone who knows my parents would die to be close to me but I wanted to get away from that. I'll tell you more of my past should we meet up again. I should get going to my classroom. See you later, Akira."

"See you later."

As Eliza came in and sat in her seat, Ryuji greeted her.


"Good morning Ryuji. How are you?"

"Pretty sleepy. Pull an all-nighter yesterday."

"You should not have done that. Since I'm very concerned for your health, why don't you take a nap until the second period?"

"For real!?"

"I sit right in front of you don't I? My hair is pretty big and a bit frizzy to cover you up so no teacher can see you and I will answer any question should they decide to choose you."

"Yo thanks, Eliza!"

"As payment, you will buy me what is called ...umm, what is it again? Oh, yes! Ramen!"

"You've never tried ramen before!?"

"Never. Remember I'm from the overseas and I haven't been to any place that has offer that."

"It's a deal then!"


Periods went by and Ryuji got the sleep he wanted, thanks to Eliza's help of covering for him. It was now the end of the day and everyone came out of their classrooms. Eliza saw Ryuji was running out and stop him.

"Ryuji! What about my ramen!?"

"We'll get some tomorrow! Right now I gotta be somewhere!"

"Fine! But if I find out you did it to ditch me you'll be sorry!"

"I'm not! I swear!"

"Alright then..."

With that, Ryuji left and Eliza just used the back entrance and a car was waiting for her along with her protectors. She got in and so did the others. Riding her way home back, she got a phone call and saw it was her older brother. She ignored it and let it vibrate. Once she got home, she went to her room and lay on the bed with her bag on the floor.

"Finally...Silence fills the atmosphere around this place. No brother to tell me what he had accomplished and bloat about how he's better than me. No mother to tell me that I'm nothing worth mentioning to anyone unless it's for money. No father to tell me that I need to practice and how I'm only useful for gathering clients of his and to please them. I can be alone and away from all that. I no longer have to be tired and full of bruises on my body. I can sleep peacefully even with the nightmares." She began to cry and hug the big pillow on her bed. Her phone vibrated again and she saw it was from an unknown number. She decided to answer and she heard Mr. Okumura's voice.

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