Chapter Thirteen

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"Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice your uniforms. Are you students of Shujin Academy?"

All turned their focus on the boy who looked about their age and had a briefcase with a capital A on the front.

This man... Akechi Goro.

"Yeah, whaddya want?"

"I happened to be passing by, so it seemed polite to greet you. We'll be filming together, after all. Ah, where are my manners? My name is-"

"Goro Akechi. The famous detective who does so many TV show hosts and every girl going crazy for."

"Oh, so you know me?"

"To an extent, yes. Anything else, I know nothing. Apparently, you also go to Kosei but you don't even seem to be in school because of your detective work. Your outfit says otherwise though. You always have your detective coat instead of the Kosei blue blazer."

"You seem to know a lot then what you say? Ah! Can you be Eliza? I heard another high schooler was joining the police force and the current investigation."

"You are correct. Though I would like to advise you to not get comfortable if you think I'll easily get along with you."

"Well then... Please excuse me, I must be going. So, you're going to go have cake now? I missed lunch today, so I'm quite hungry myself."

Everyone looked at each other and then back to him with Ryuji questioning cake.

"Huh? Cake? What are you talkin' about?"

"Oh, am I mistaken? I thought I heard something about delicious pancakes. No matter. Welp, see you tomorrow."

Everyone stood silent and Ryuji broke the small second silence.

"That's guy gotta be some kinda start-up entertainer or somethin'. He's never gonna get popular with that kind of hair though."

"You don't get it." said Ann with Akira reaching out to Eliza.

"What was that about?"

"You must be talking about the little argument we just had. He is mostly on the news or TV and well, to most people, he is only popular because he is a pretty boy. I sense something else from him."

Akira and Morgana were caught by her last words as they too, were thinking the same thing.

"What do you mean?"

"I know it may sound odd coming from me but, I sense a terrible dark aura or feeling just by standing near the boy. I'm not one to believe these type of superstitions but it felt too strong."

I felt the same thing once he mentioned pancakes. Morgana said it first but he could have heard it from Eli. This is something I must leave for now and continue acting normal.

"Don't worry. You might just be tired from all that studying you always do."

"I highly doubt it is because of that but I shall leave it be for now. I might see him again later during work."

"Enough with the talkin', let's go to Dome town already."

"Yes, I agree. If you guys don't mind, I'll be paying for everything we do today."

Once they arrived at Dome Town, Ryuji suggested they eat first but Eliza wanted to go on the rides first and then eat but since most of them were heavily starving, they decided to eat the pancakes and then go to the roller coasters. Eliza had so much fun with her smile almost reaching her ears and hands reaching for the sky. Once they stop going on rides, they made their way towards the entrance and Ann noticed Ryuji's slow walking.

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