Chapter Nineteen

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"Looks like Kaneshiro left something behind," Fox said and everyone turned around to see he had a small book in his hand.

"It's a journal. Let us see what is inside," he opens the books and reads the contents. " 'R=C=0, I=1, H=2'. What could this mean?"

"The page afterward have been torn out as well. Could it be a code of some sort?"

"Seeing as we are in a bank, and there have been some things we had to open with some type of key. Maybe now, we need a code to open certain things." Ace said looking over the numbers and letters.

"If we're not gonna figure this shit out now, we should just keep goin' forward, yeah?"

"Considering Kaneshiro's reaction, this elevator should lead us to the innermost part of the bank. If so, it'll be the most secure area as well. Let's make sure we're ready for whatever awaits!"

"I agree. If we are still full of stamina, we can keep going. Or," Ace looks behind her and points to a double door at the other side of the area.

"We can go to the safe room, teleport back to the entrance, and continue on tomorrow."

"I would like to see what we're up against and then we can head on home."


Everyone got on the elevator and going down, they saw the view by the clear glass. 

"What the hell!? Are these all vaults!? How messed up is this guy!?" Skull yelled

"We're supposed to check all of these for the Treasure!?" Panther said while looking at the whole structure.

"No...We may not have to. If you look at it more closely, it almost looks like a lock. We use a key to open a lock and the way its design, you open it in a certain way."

"Hopefully that is the case."

"We won't know until we get there."

Once the elevator got to the ground floor, they inspected the place and found a safe room nearby. They entered the room and everyone took a break. 

"So, did by any chance another memory appeared again?" Skull asked Ace and she shakes her head.

"Nope. Just the one from before was the only one that I have been seeing. I don't feel ill or anything aside from being tired."

"Well, this can be a good sign, right?" Panther said and move closer to the two.

"If anything, we can take this as in Ace having the chance of obtaining a persona and we can gain an official member. All of us together, that makes six members."

"Although that is very exciting news, right now we have to think about her health. Not that long ago we found her injured and hurt. Who knows what effects having her in the Metaverse for this long can take on her." Fox said and Ace stood from her seat.

"I promise to tell you all if I feel anything of the sort. I do want to help you all in your mission. I'm not doing it exactly to fit in or not be forgotten, but I also share the same goal with you all."

Everyone looked at each other and then accepted her reason.

"Alright. Just let us know if anything."

"Yes, Leader!" 

"I think we should call it a day and then come back tomorrow."

Everyone agreed and everyone went home. 

That night, Eliza checked her phone to see the Meta Nav there and she decided to go into her family's palace once again. This time... Her father's building which was bigger than the other two. In the first floor, two staircases were leading to different floors and she decided to check the third floor which consisted of pictures of her, to when she was small to now. There was only one room on that floor and the room was labeled in her name. All of her achievements were there with a big ballroom floor. What frightens Eliza about the room was that it looked very similar to her room back home. The same room he would come in every night to rape her while she was vulnerable and defenseless. 

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