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Everything can look normal and nice to some people...

Every day you see the world as something you need to conquer in life once you grow...

The world is always filled with obstacles and challenges that would try to keep us from ever advancing the goal set in our minds...

We all experience it in different ways but yet share the same pain and hurt in one way...

In order to drive that hurt away, we get up and face it head on and break the chains that seem to slither their way to our ankles and bound us in place...

Instead, we want to reign everlastingly everything about ourselves and have no one tell us who, where, or what we can be or so do.

This particular group was shunned away by almost all of society and heeded them of no importance...

They decided to not let society tell them what they can or cannot do, can be or cannot be...

These individuals are making a stand and forming the justice, not for themselves, but for others like them that have no voice and no place in this cruel part of the world...

Where adults are allowed to do and say whatever they please with everyone turning a blind eye...

And so we ask you, will you join this organization and fight in your way to achieve a place in society?

Only those who agreed to the above have the privilege of partaking in this game.

I agree.

I do not agree.

... The contract has been sealed.

The world is not as it should be. Its filled with distortion, and "ruin" can no longer be avoided.

Those who oppose fate and desire change...

From time to time, they were referred to as Tricksters.

You are now accompanying the Trickster in his journey along with another...

Now is the time to rise against the abyss of distortion.

Inside the casino, people were scared and confused as to what was going on, but others knew exactly what the situation was. The famous Phantom Thieves were here and with that, they're known to take the hearts of criminals. Some were running away in fear while others stood still, confused, faze, or scared the Thieves were going to do something. They heard the movements and sounds of someone moving around to point A to point B.

"There's something there!" a man yelled out, and only when he said that, did three men in black suits come to the main lobby and started to look around the place to try and spot the thief. When the certain thief stopped moving, they landed on one of the hanging lights and shown themselves to the crowd.

"Hey... Up there!" Another man yelled and pointed at the top. Everyone turned their attention to the person up top and that person looked like they were grinning evilly.

"She's here. Move in immediately."

"Dare I say... Catch me if you can," she announced to the men and she moved to another hanging light and she heard voices in her earpiece.

"Good. Now get running!" said a boy that sounded like a child.

"This is our only chance!" said a teenage boy sounding calm for some reason.

"Stay calm! You can get away now!" answered a teenage girl trying to keep everyone in calm feeling.

"We'll retrieve the briefcase on our own end." answered another girl with a serious tone.

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