Chapter Eleven

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"What exactly have you guys been up to? I've seen that all of you are hanging out more than usual together. Are you all having 'hangouts' without me?"

"Uh no! That's not it. We just have study groups to help each other out with homework and stuff."

"If you need help with school work, then why haven't you come to me? I can help with that. Not all the work is so complicated once you understand it more than what teachers teach you."

"Well, most of the time. I ask Akira for some help as we are in the same class."

"Reasonable enough, Ann. So, what is your excuse hm, Ryuji-kun?"


"We both are in the same homeroom and I sit right in front of you. How come you don't ask me for more help? I feel betrayed Ryuji. Here I thought we were friends."

"T-That's not it!"

"I was kidding. I see everyone favors you, Akira. You should feel glad that you are not judged by your record. I was meaning to tell you in private about this but I see no harm to tell all of you. I have actually been walking in the police quarters to search for his criminal record and see all the details for the results in him being kicked out in his original school and coming here to Tokyo. It turns out, the report states that he assaulted a man of higher power while he was with a woman and so Akira was thrown in jail and in court, he ruled with, in a way, a guilty verdict and told to move here until the next year."

"What!? That's not fair!" yelled out Ann with a Ryuji following up.

"That's the stupidest shit I ever heard! This is so effin' fucked up."

"I must agree. With a report like that, it sounds highly suspicious and Akira was judged with no fair game in that trial. Also, there is the question of who this person is to be able to not get his name in the media and that report made by the police." Yusuke seems to agree.

"Yes. I also found it strange when I read it. Everything about it seems wrong. That's why I have decided to fully investigate this matter!"

"Huh?" They all said and she smiled at them.

"If I find more information on Akira's case, maybe we can overturn his record! I can find a way to give Akira his clean non-touched record back and then everyone at school can see he is a normal boy to not be afraid of. I mean, that's the more likely reason why I joined the force. To uncover the wrongdoings of society!" Eli poses with her finger pointing at Akira with her other hand on her hip.

Everyone started to laugh and she felt embarrassed. "W-What!? What is so funny?"

"What else!? That pose looks so hilarious!" Ryuji said while holding his stomach and her face turned red from the comment.

"I wanted to try it after watching this show with a defense attorney doing it! He looks cool when he does it! I thought I would too." She pokes her first fingers together while looking down.

"OH! You must be talking about that anime called Nick Wright: Ace Attorney! I love that show!"

"You watch it as well Ann?"

"Oh, heck yea! Those prosecutors are so cool. I didn't know you watched anime Eli-chan."

"Well I discovered it once I saw it online and I was never allowed to watch things like that around my parents, so I would watch it in secret in my room when I had the time. I would also use the time when I go out to buy manga books when my parents were in their usual meetings and I would have to come along. I recently picked up these manga books called White Butler and Spirit Eater. They were a pretty good purchase."

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