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The lights come up bright as the club ends the boys invite us back to their suite in the hotel which Bria agrees to. It's clear the alcohol has taken over me as Hunter holds me up as we cross the road.

"Mr Steele"

The staff greet him as he enters he gives them a small tight smile

"Don't be....rude say hello to....them"

I mumble at him which he then tightens his grip on me

"Stop with your attitude towards me princess this is your first warning"

He tells me I look up at him and smirk

"Or what ? What are you going to do ? Spank me? Call my father ? Ground me?"

I sway as he hold me close to him again

"Oh baby you have no idea just what I would do"

This makes me look down and blush. What does he mean? We enter the elevator with everyone as he presses the button for the top floor

"Oohh top floor very fancy"

Bria says walking out as we reach the top Hunter leads us to the end of the corridor with his arm still wrapped around my waist holding me up.

"Oh wow. Must be great to be Mr Steele"

Bria says looking around the place I gather myself and look around this sitting room is huge with an open plan kitchen with doors leading to what I assume is the bedrooms and bathroom. I laugh as I see some personalised 'Steele' things around

"How long are you staying here they've got you personalised cups, pens the lot."

Craig and Billy laugh.

"This is my hotel"

Hunter says causing bria and I to gasp

"What you own this place"

I ask just incase we picked him up wrong he nods

"Yep and the club we were just at"

My mouth drops open.

"That explains a lot... sorry but still be nice to your staff"

"Ok that's noted"

He says tapping the side of his head.

"Jesus Arabella stop being cheeky he can kick us out of this hotel"

Bria warns me I look at Hunter who just shakes his head

"I won't throw you out unless you damage the place"

He says he spreads out on the massive single couch as billy pours us more drink I shake my head as he hands me a glass

"Sorry billy but I don't want to damage the place with my vomit"

I feel the dizziness begin to hit again as I steady myself on the couch Hunter is on and before I could blink he pulls me onto his lap and holds me close.

"What are you doing"

I ask him he moves my hair from my face.

"Looking after you now relax and close your eyes baby"

"Hmm I'm not sure if I prefer baby or princess"

I whisper snuggling in closer to his chest it's clearly the alcohol and outfit giving time the confidence tonight as if he tried to hold me earlier today I would have escaped so far I would of been in Australia. However sleep soon takes over me as he strokes my hair.

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