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Monday night comes sooner than expected I still hadn't text Hunter. However I had googled him from the articles it seems like he isn't a relationship kind of guy and when he is it doesn't last long. Maybe he's what I need just a little fun no strings attached to help me get over the fear of getting back out there. I sigh as my phone rings I head to my bedroom where my phone is on charge I gulp as I see Hunters name appear.


*oh good you're alive I was ready to drive to your place to make sure no one had kidnapped you or something*

*im sorry Hunter I should of text you sooner. I was just making sure I was doing the right thing*

*why don't I deliver a bottle of wine and then you can make your decision then it will be the truth*

*well if I'm honest I kinda want to try being truthful sober... so... yes Hunter I would love to go on a date with you*

*oh wow princess check you making big decisions when suits ?*

*you're the busy man not me so you decide*

* okay I'll see you Thursday night 6.30pm*

*okay see you then*

*goodnight baby*

He says and ends the call before I could reply. Something about him calling me princess or baby stirs something inside me a feeling I don't really know what to do with. I flop down onto my pillow and surprisingly fall into a peaceful sleep.

The next few days consist of working and nervously preparing for my date with Hunter. Who has been texting every since our phone call and as hard as I try not to I can feel myself catching feelings. I have even taken Friday off work incase it ends up a late night or I get that nervous that I drink too much which is more than likely to happen. Bria is beside herself with excitement. She's that excited she even ordered me a new outfit and is wanting to be here to do my hair and makeup after work. To keep her happy I agree plus she will keep me calm before he arrives. Before we know it I'm heading to work Thursday morning my stomach full of butterflies as I enter the building

"Oh Ara it's the big date night"

Kelly calls my friend who works in the cubicle next to me I nod

"Oh kels I'm so nervous let's not talk about it please"

I beg her. Kelly is much like Bria in some ways she's outgoing charming and loud it's a wonder how we ended up friends however we like to think we balance one another out I keep her mellow whereas she pulls me out my comfort zone it's no wonder her and Bria instantly clicked when they met at my birthday last year. For the rest of my shift Kelly tries her hardest to get information about my date from me. I haven't told her who he is yet as according to google he's well known so I'm not sure what the procedures for him on dating are and also we might absolutely despise one another after tonight so I don't want to jinx it.

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