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Just like that we are back home with my small box of items. We were right it was Henry... well not him personally but his brother as it turns out after our breakup Henry returned home to his family and his brother couldn't cope with his return and turned violent towards them all which lead to his parents kicking him out. His anger then turned to me as I let Henry go. Thankfully there's enough evidence that Henry's brother will be charged and hopefully that will be the end of it.

"Baby, it's over let's focus on the future now. I mean the bright side is I now have you all to myself.. morning noon and night"

Hunter says pulling me onto his lap as he falls to the sofa.

"Hmm I might just go stay with Bria or my parents"

I tease sticking my tongue out. Hunter shakes his head

"Oohh no you won't don't even joke about it."

He begins tickling my sides as I twist and turn trying to escape his lap. It isn't long before we are deeply kissing and heading upstairs to the bedroom. A few hours later I wake from a nap, both drained from the news of my home and then the workout I received when we returned from the police station.

"Ahh you're awake, come on baby your dinners ready"

Hunter calls coming into the room and throwing the blanket off me I smile up at him and decide to just follow him back downstairs to the kitchen I notice our two dinner plates on the table with a notepad at each one. I take my seat.

"Okay since we have been thrown right into living together let's make our rules, these rules my little girl must follow.. are you ready?"

"Number 1 - you must always listen to daddy, I always know best.
2 - you must have at least 8 hours sleep at night I don't want a grumpy girl at home or at work.
3 - you must eat all your meals I make
4 - ensure you're making healthy choices always
5- no more than two glasses of alcohol"

"Ehh no to that one"

I say cutting him off which he soon raises an eyebrow and gives me a stern rule

"Excuse me?"

"No if I'm out I am not only drinking two drinks no way that's my decision"

I say standing my ground hunter lets out a little laugh

"You seem to be forgetting rule number 1 already darling. You're also forgetting I know what you're like under the influence of alcohol you can't handle your drink."

"okay whatever we will see"

Hunter rolls his eyes and continues. After a few more rules it's now my turn to speak.

"What do I call you"

I ask him hunter shrugs

"We can work our way up to daddy. You can make a nickname for me or you can just call me hunter or sir."

"Okay that's fine because I'm not sure my dad would appreciate me calling you daddy"

"He doesn't need to know baby"

Hunter says finishing off his dinner I realise I have hardly touched mine and begin to eat as hunter has made it very clear I would not leave the table until my plate was cleared.

Life as a little is about to begin and I'm not entirely sure what to expect I wonder if I will just naturally begin to slip into my little head space or am I already in it and just don't realise.

One thing I do know I am extremely lucky to have hunter guiding me. I smile as I watch from my seat him clearing up the dinner dishes as I swing my legs back and forth on the seat playing candy crush on Hunters phone.

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