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I wake with feather like kisses being placed all over my face

"Wakey wakey baby your breakfast is ready"

Hunter whispers I smile and cuddle in closer to the blanket

"No not time to get comfy it's time to wake up I've text Bria but she wants to hear from you"

He tells me I groan as I stretch out and sit up still tucked up in the covers

"Not a morning person got it"

He says as if he is taking a mental note I smile as he hands me a tray with toast and eggs and apple juice along with some fruit he settles next to me with his own tray he pushes a button and a tv appears from the bottom of the bed I watch it in amazement

"Too much"

He asks me I shake my head

"No this is my dream bed"

I say he smirks just as he leans to kiss me my phone pings  I reach for it from the bedside table and notice the multiple texts and phone calls from Bria and Kelly I text Bria first letting her know I'm alive and with Hunter still and text Kelly letting her know the date was a success.

"You don't need to give me an answer right away Arabella but please think about my offer"

He says I frown as I'm brought back to reality that he just wants a sub. He said subs don't stay with him multiple thoughts race through my mind.

"I'll think about it"

I say taking a drink of the cold apple juice my favourite. He nods

"Okay that's all I ask"

He says flicking through the tv channels finally settling on an old episode of mtv cribs

"You're house should be on this"

I say he laughs and shrugs

"Where do you think I get all my ideas from."

We finish our meals in silence then head down to the kitchen to clear up there's music playing through the speaker as I shuffle through Apple Music on Hunters phone I find oasis master plan and play that while starting to wash our plates as I sing loudly I forget I'm in hunters home.

"Oh hello darling I don't think we've met"

A women's voice says I freeze as I rush to turn the music off a text appears

Billy- *well did she agree if not Kelsey is ready and waiting*

I feel my heart drop. All this time he's made it clear about being loyal and he's the one with a backup plan.  I'm brought back to the moment with the random women in the kitchen as she walks towards me

"Are you okay"

She asks gently I nod she places a soft hand on my shoulder

"I hope my son is treating you right. I know he is a busy man but he should never be too busy for a beautiful women like you"

She says I nod again

"Your son... oh sorry Mrs Steele I'm Arabella"

I say introducing myself

"I'm not sure what's happening with your son if I'm honest I mean yeah he's busy but not busy enough that he's got time to string two girls along"

I say as hunter joins us in the kitchen


He asks with his frowning face glaring at me

"anyway it's time for me to go now. It's lovely meeting you Mrs Steele"

I say grabbing my phone and walking right out the door


Hunter shouts after me

"Oh billy has text you"

I say his face pales. He knows exactly what I mean now I rush down towards the gate while calling Bria. Within 5 minutes she's picked me up along the road from Hunters house I fall into her arms the minute I get into her car

"Why did I do it Bri?"

I explain the night from start to finish leaving out the Dom/Sub relationship and the red/white room. Of course Bria is trying to make it seem like nothing that he probably didn't expect it to go that far but I should trust him to end everything with this Kelsey girl but part of me doesn't even want to give him a chance.

Starting OverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin