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By lunchtime Hunter had a new sparkling clean office exactly how he wanted it. Luckily I escaped to deal with customers online and got to hide out at my desk avoiding the heavy work and the storm of A demanding hunter and a terrified boss. Kelly and I head to the cafe for lunch once we order we sit and Kelly let's out a sigh and relaxed back into her seat.

"He's hard work Arabella really. I didn't know just how demanding he is. How do you cope?"

She asks rubbing her forehead clearly having been rushed off her feet and it is taking an effect on her now.

"I'm sorry Kells I really didn't know I'm so angry that he would do this."

I say being sympathetic to the morning she's just had. Just as our food arrives my phone buzzes

*hunter - Where are you ? I've searched the office ?x*

*A- I'm out for lunch with Kelly like I would normally do. Staff aren't happy. I'm extremely annoyed."

*H- I had looked into this place before I met you. The company is failing I have stepped it to bring it back up, plus your boss is clueless he needs guidance. Why no kisses?xx*

I decide against replying to him. He is now my boss? That's wrong! I am falling hard for him and he knows it but he needs to know that we still need our own space.

After arriving back in the office I go straight to my desk to notice things have been moved. A blonde haired guy approaches me.

"Hey Arabella?"

He asks i nod showing confusing and shake his outstretched hand

"I'm Bradley. I work with Mr Steele he's moved me to office for now to help out he's assigned me this desk I can show you to your new one"

As he goes to walk away I stop him

"Hold up sorry what he's assigning us desks now? What is this place school?? Who does he think he is."

Bradley looks stuck not wanting to say anything rude about his boss

"I feel you Arabella I had just got sorted in my last place and I've been moved here. He can be very terrifying though so please can we move along so I can get you to your desk and get back to work before I get fired."

I nod and apologise not wanting to cause any bother for Bradley. I think he will fit well with our little team. Maybe even hit it off more with Kelly. He looks exactly her type.
I mess around with the things on my desk trying hard to get comfortable with my new space. No one shares this cubicle with me like that when me and Kelly used to share and it makes me sad it's going to be a lonely shift from now on. What is his problem.
Hunter is called to his main office further in town so the rest of the afternoon is spent coming to terms to where everything now is and dealing with customers.
When I return home a shiver runs down my body as I look at my home, red paint splattered across my white patio, my windows are smashed I look around and take in all the damage before the weight of the day falls hard on me and I drop to the ground in tears.
Who has done this and why ?
What have I done to deserve someone to destroy my home. I pull out my phone calling Bria which goes straight to answer machine I call Cole. He quickly tries to reassure me and calm me down claiming that he will be right over he's just picked Bria up from the gym.

When they arrive Hunter runs in behind him it's clear Cole called him on his way here

"Are you hurt??"

Bria shouts running over lifting me from the ground. She quickly checks me over ignoring my pleas that I'm fine.

"Have they damaged inside"

Hunter asks shaking my locked door handle I shrug

"I haven't been inside yet I was too scared."

With shaking hands I unlock the door the 4 of us pile in staying close as we take in the damage to the inside. My wallpaper is ripped from the walls paint splattered everywhere all my ornaments are smashed and cushions ripped open. I can't stop the tears as they roll continuously down my face.

"Stay here"

Hunter orders as he checks the rest of the house incase whoever done this was still around.

"Any idea who this could have been"

Bria asks I stare at her wide eyed and shake my head. When hunter gives us the all clear Cole calls the police as I head to my bedroom. I notice a piece of paper under my pillow.

"This is for ruining my life and costing my brother his job. Always watch your back.
Hope you have a great life you bitch."

A sob catches my throat.. who could this be ? Was it Henry ? Why would he do this ? He didn't fight for me when we broke up and I have no idea what he means by his brothers job I don't even know where he works!

Hunter joins me to let me know the police have arrived. I hand him the note and follow him back to the living room.

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