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It's been two days since my house was destroyed I have secretly been loving my time here at Hunters we both took two days off from work and I have been treated like a princess from the minute I open my eyes until they close at night. My heart flutters every time I look at him it's safe to say I'm officially head over heels in love. I no longer care about him buying the company I work for I think I will enjoy having him around me often. I am enjoying my lunch a lovely cheese and ham baguette made by hunter when he comes into the living room with a very serious look. My stomach drops.

✨Hunter POV✨
It's now or never. There's going to be no harm in bringing it up if she says no then we move on. I realise my tense body language must be very clear as her face drops when she looks at me I try relax as I kiss her head and drop down into the seat next to her

"Hey baby. I want to talk to you about something."

I say she just nods her head and takes a drink of her apple juice.

"Have you ever heard of a daddy Dom"

She slowly nods raising her eyebrow at me

"And do you know what they usually have ?"

"A little girl or boy to care for"

She almost whispers I nod and smile

"Yeah you're right. I've been thinking recently and the more I get to know you and spend all this time with you I'm beginning to think you might be a little"

She looks straight ahead staring into the air

"I just want you to think about it I want you to research it and talk to me"

She lets out a little sigh.

✨Arabella POV✨
I can't believe he's just brought this all up. Something I've tried hard to not let take over my mind for years. I feel like it started when my ex was so neglectful to me I just craved to be cared for... Hunter as my daddy...well that's a thought

"What makes you think I'm a little ?"

I ask him he looks caught off guard with my question.

"Baby you have a teddy blanket that you sleep with or need whenever you've had a bad day, you love colouring, you loved to be fussed over and cared for and whenever you choose the film it's always from the family & children section or something animated."

I burst out laughing he's not wrong I do always do that.   I agree with him

"I just want you to research it babe and we will go from there no pressure."

"I already know a lot about it however there's lots I don't want to do"

"Like what ?"

He says opening his laptop and creating a word document

"I don't want my own bedroom. I like your bed"
I say with a blush taking over my face he smirks and nods

"Okay that I can live with what else"

"No diapers or cots or high chairs. I'm not having you forcing me to pee in a baby's diaper or drugging me to poop myself."

"What the hell are you talking about"

I shrug

"That's what happens on the ddlg stories online, mainly the girls are kidnapped and turned into babies and get drugged to dirty themselves and sleep in baby cots and have to sit in high chairs."

"Babe that's absolutely fine. I'm not sure how reliable your source of research is but we do not need any of that truthfully I don't want to be dealing with dirty diapers until we have a baby of our own"

He says rubbing my hand I smile.

"Would you really want to start a family with me."

He nods his head with a huge smile

"There's no one else I would be the luckiest guy to have a family with you my children would be the luckiest kids in the world to have such a lovely mother"

I blush and begin to tear up as I slide off my chair  and into his arms

"Hunter that is the most loveliest thing anyone's ever said to me"

He slides me onto his lap and holds me close

"How about we start this with a nap"

I ask with hope clear in my voice

"Oky you can go nap baby."

"No no we nap together enjoy our last day off"

He laughs and agrees for the first time as he leads me to the bedroom after a little fun we both fall sound asleep wrapped in one another's arms.

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