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It has been a week since my parents house and we had both been busy at work. Hunters other businesses thankfully taking priority over my office which was bitter sweet as I loved seeing him constantly but was glad he wasn't there for nasty comments to be made at me. I also snuck back round to work beside Kelly. When I return home the place is quiet I sigh as work had been chaos today I kick my shoes off and drop onto the couch scrolling through my phone as I have an hour or two before Hunter gets home. As I stupidly open Instagram and get lost in the world of social media I don't notice the time ticking by and the fact I'm ignoring Hunters instructions from this morning.

"baby when you get home today could you take dinner out and tidy the place up for Billy and the others coming"
I nod in agreement and promise him I will have everything sorted.

However flash forward to now I panic as I hear Hunter coming home, the living space is messier than before due to my work clothes and shoes along with my bag and the pillows I've kicked off the couch scattered along the floor. Before I can sit up Hunter is standing with his arms folded and a frown clear on his face.

"Welcome home.. I missed you"

I say playing sweet and innocent as I rush into his arms he instantly wraps his arms around me and kisses my head.

"I missed you too baby but .."

He finishes his sentence by gesturing towards the messy room I bite my lip trying to avoid his stare.

"I know I got distracted I'm so sorry I will do it now."

Hunter sighs and shakes his head before heading into the kitchen, I bite the inside of my mouth as I nervously wait for his reaction to the unwashed dishes and the fact the food wasn't taken out for him to make.

"Baby... why is there no chicken in the oven.. I gave you simple instructions what have you been doing for the last two nearly three hours"

He stalks back into the living room I shrug refusing eye contact.

"Baby look at me" I ignore him "Bella!" I continue to stare at the floor "Arabella look at me right now"

With his stern tone my head instantly snaps towards him he smirks at me raising an eyebrow.

"Are you deliberately being defiant just now? I think you're calling out for a punishment"

My cheeks instantly heat up as I press my legs together. Truthfully I wouldn't mind a small punishment that leads to some bedroom fun.

"No.. I'm sorry"

I say which wasn't very convincing. He shakes his head and throws a pillow towards me

"Help me tidy this mess before our friends get here. No messing about or I will punish you and I mean it."

I huff and begin tidying the mess I made within 10 minutes the living room is cleared and dusted. Hunter heads into the kitchen to start there with the plan that he will start the meal while I clear the dishes and set the table although I'm quickly distracted with a notification from Bria, it's an Instagram reel of funny animals, soon I'm lost between Instagram and tiktok giggling away at silly dogs and cats.


Hunter shouts as he stands watching me from the door I jump nearly dropping my phone and frown at him.

"There was no need for that!"

I say angry that he scared me. Hunter shakes his head and takes long strides towards me with his hand out. I slowly put my hand in his but he shakes it away and places his hand out again.

"Phone Arabella"

I gasp looking shocked at his hand and shake my head I let out a nervous laugh

"You can't seriously be taking my phone away? What am I 16?"

"Phone now Arabella. I will give you it back after you've done the kitchen"

I decide it's not worth the fight and hand it over before stomping into the kitchen. I'm half way through the dishes before Hunter stops me. Shaking his head, I know the problem, I've been banging the cups and plates around the sink clearly taking my anger out on the poor dinner dishes.

"You're going to break something and I will be very angry. Last warning princess"

I feel my heart race and my panties becoming damp at his stern threatening voice.. what is wrong with me. Turning away from him I begin cleaning a glass which doesn't seem to be cleaning properly I scrub and scrub and it slips out my hand smashing on the side of the counter and falling to the floor. Hunter immediately picks me up and places me on one of the bar stools, which I hate and he knows it.

"Don't move"

He warns me before he enters the cupboard for the brush and begins clearing the glass.

"I don't know what's going on with you today. Your ears and rational thinking hasn't been working since you opened your eyes"

He says ranting while he brushes I shrug and don't reply. It isn't long before Hunter has be over his shoulder and is rushing upstairs. Before I can ask any questions he has my trousers and underwear down and the first smack of his hand comes down on my bare bottom. I scream. I think I count ten before there's tears in my eyes and I'm wriggling. Hunter enters his bedroom drawer before slowly pushing my legs apart


He shushes me and I feel his long finger trail around my entrance and teasing my clit I moan and try push towards him but he grips me tighter explaining everything I've done today that's leading to this moment.

"This is your punishment baby girl.. don't you dare cum"

Before I can question anything he pushes a small vibrator inside me and pulls me clothes back on. I stand confused looking at him as I don't feel anything. I think he's forgot to turn it on but I am not going to remind him. Hunters phone pings and he lets out a breath.

"Everyone will be here in 10 minutes. I'm just going to order food in. Now will you behave"

He asks I shyly nod my head he raises an eyebrow at me and I know he wants a verbal response.

"Yes daddy I'll behave"

I know calling him daddy has thrown him as he tries to quickly hide the shock from his face by placing a kiss on my forehead and leading me out the room.

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