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After my freak out in the car with Bria I'm now laying on my sofa in silence when I stepped out of the car I realised I was still only in Hunters T-shirt and boxers that I wore to bed last night which also means that's what his mum seen me in.
I groan As I face plant the cushions why do I do this to myself. My phone rings signalling yet another call from Hunter which I ignore. Have I jumped to conclusions far too quick maybe Kelsey isn't anything to him or maybe he's done with her exactly what he did with me last night the romantic dinner ending with them in bed together.
My stomach turns at the thought of him with someone else. I wonder if I'm just not experienced enough for him. A huge part of me wonders if I will overcome the fact he's slept with that many women that he can't remember. A lot of my firsts will be with him but he will have done them multiple times with multiple women. I turn my phone off and head into the bathroom to run myself a nice bubble bath.


The voice that's been hunting my thoughts shouts as I hear him banging around my house searching for me. He bursts into the bathroom I curse myself for not locking any doors.

"get out I'm in the bath!"

I say showing how annoyed I am

"Why are you not answering your phone Arabella I've been trying to reach you. What the hell was that little tantrum about in front of my mother"

He says scolding me. Anger builds inside me

"Oh fuck off Hunter. If you don't like it then go get Kelsey I'm sure she won't behave like that in front of your mum"

"This isn't about Kelsey Arabella! This is about you"

He snaps

"No Hunter this is about you warning me that I have to be loyal while the whole time you have a women waiting on you to be done with me. Now get out and let me get out of my bath that you have ruined!"

He doesn't move


I shout at him throwing my face cloth at him he quickly lifts me out the water I scream


I hit his back as he walks out of the bathroom.

"Hunter! You don't have permission stop"

I tell him which makes him quickly drop me to the floor. I scramble to my feet and quickly into my bedroom locking the door and covering my naked body with my bathrobe. I take a minute to get myself together. I can't believe he's doing this. I want to text Bria but i stupidly left my phone turned off on the coffee table.

"Arabella come out"

His voice demands I sigh and unlock the door and push my way past him to the living room.

"Hunter I've decided I'm not ready for any relationship no normal relationship and especially not a Dom/Sub relationship."

I tell him before he even has the chance to sit down.

"Babe you said you would think about it"

He reminds me I nod my head

"Yes and that's me thought about it it's a no to everything. I had a lovely evening last night but I'm done"

"Nope no way Arabella you were up for it last night and because of Billy's text you've changed your mind."

"His text made me think why should I give my all to someone who isn't going to give it back ? I've done that for the past 6 years with my ex I'm not falling right into the same trap"

We sit in silence both coming to terms with my decision. He abruptly stands knocking  my cushions from the couch.

"I don't take no as an answer Arabella"

He states then walks out banging the door I hear his car door slam then the squeak of his tyres as he speeds away. I flop back and let out a scream. He will need to learn that no means no.

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