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Before another word is spoken Hunter has whipped me out the room and into a small quiet tv room which is thankfully empty


I shout at him, scared of what he's going to do to me. He locks the door and before I can say another word he has me bent over the arm of the sofa chair

"Hunter please don't punish Me"

I beg, he doesn't answer me, he swiftly pulls my jeans down, thankfully leaving my panties on

"Don't you ever raise your voice to me in public again do you understand ? Don't ever swear like that again and especially to a group of other Doms! - count with me Arabella there will be 6"

Before I can argue back his first slap comes down making me jump forward


He warns me I nod and whisper number 1 he continues getting harder each time by number 6 I am sobbing and scared to move, he gently rubs my now red stinging ass as I hold my head in my hands.  I stand up pulling up my jeans glaring at him with tears streaming down my face.

"Let's go, you need to apologise"

He says holding out his hand I shake my head and move back away from him

"Arabella what are you doing, don't make this worse for yourself."

Each step he takes towards me I take one back he sighs and and drops his hand

"Have I scared you? I'm so sorry baby, but you broke so many rules you had to be punished"

I shake my head again I'm now angry. Angry he didn't stick up for me, angry he spanked me in front of them all instead of being on my team. Even angrier he gave me my first punishment in someone else's home.

"I'm not scared Hunter. I'm angry. So so so angry i could hit you back"

I say through my gritted teeth Hunter looks shocked

"I want to leave"

I tell him he looks stunned at my reaction

"I guess they are right, I'm not little at all I don't belong here I am leaving"

I tell him again he frowns his eyebrows together

"Who said that"

"Oh the famous group of littles, that's why I left Jess called me fake and told me to leave. I didn't argue or react I just walked away. You never gave me the chance to speak up for myself so now I've just been punished and humiliated and they got what they wanted. Hunter I'm angry and want to leave."

I storm out the room and towards the entrance where I quickly run out the door and towards the gate as I realise I had left Hunter inside and didn't have a key for his car. Once out the gate I sit on the little bench at the other side of the property wall. Billy is soon next to me

"It's alright I'm not running away I'm waiting here on him."

"I'm sorry Arabella, I really thought you would love it here, im sorry nothing I ever plan works out well for you."

"It's alright Billy nothing you could do about this one, just a bunch of spoiled girls and crazy protective partners, of course they will pick on the newbie who doesn't even call her Dom anything but his first name."

Billy shakes his head

"Don't beat yourself up about that. You've had a crazy few months I know Hunter can be a complete world wind, you'll get there just go at your own pace."

I smile as he pulls me into a hug as Hunter pulls out the drive way and stops he opens the door and i slide in next to hunter while thanking Billy, i wave as we drive off. The car is silent, there's no music coming from the radio I cringe at the silence, is he angry at me still. I stare at him taking him all in, he's too good for me. I notice his hands are bright red

"Hunter, what happened to you hand?"

I ask he looks at me then quickly back onto the road

"Don't worry about it"

He says I sigh and lean closer I gently peel one of his hands off the wheel

"Are you hurt?"

I ask running my fingers over his knuckles which now look bruised.

"A little but not as much as fucking Javi."

My face drops I turn to him

"Oh no, Hunter what did you do"

"Nothing too bad just he will now think twice before shouting and accusing my baby of anything"

I can't help but smirk, he deserves it I just wish I had it in me to be the person to physically fight to give Jessica matching bruises. I know Hunter wouldn't have lifted his hands to her.

"I met Jonah and his daddy, they explained everything. I was so angry at Javi for raising his voice at you when he entered the room I just had to hit him"

I gently rub my fingers over his knuckles as he continues our drive, I am emotionally drained I can't keep my eyes open as I hold hunters hand I slowly drift to sleep.

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