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I sit at my bedroom window and watch as the blue van drives away with my now ex boyfriend and all our memories together. Once the van turns down the end of the road the tears start to flow and I fall back onto my bed. Get yourself together Arabella this is a joint decision it's for the best. My mind wanders back to just a few days ago...

"Ara if you are sure I will leave right now. Tell me is this really what you want?" Henry asks looking deep into my tear filled eyes with not one hint of emotion in his.

"Henry I don't know. I love you. You are the only person I've ever been with we got together when I was only 17 that was 6 years ago. I'm so confused I just feel like we've outgrown one another."
I look up at him hoping for some fight in him some emotion, anger, happiness literally anything but as usual there's nothing.

"Okay I'll call my dad and start packing."

He says and walks upstairs to collect a suitcase.

And just like that my 6 year relationship was over. The months prior to the 'talk' I had put off how I felt. I would work long hours and come home to a house full of chores while he hung out with friends or played his PlayStation I felt like a mother to a fully grown man. He was 2 years older than me it was clear I wanted the next step of children, engagements/weddings and he was just happy living rent free. So I eventually after a glass of wine spilled all my thoughts hoping he would fight for me. However I was wrong.

I dry my tears and call my sister Bria to tell her that everything was over and that all Henry's things were officially cleared of course she was extremely happy and already planning a girls drinking session for the weekend. My sister and I couldn't be more different. She was ten years older than me she is outgoing, strong, confident in every way she is married with two children. Whereas here I was little quiet Arabella who only finds her voice when the alcohol hits but not anymore now I'm free from this relationship it's time I fight for myself. It's time for me to live truly how I want and if I find love along the way then great if not all I hope for is to be happy and at peace. Life is just too short.

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