Chapter 4: Undoubtedly

Start from the beginning

"I'm multilingual .. see just like you." He winked.

"Au revoir, Paul" she smirked.

He stayed watching her enter to the house. Once she did, he found out he was smiling to himself.

Lizzy visited Mimi and Ella one morning, they sat on the table and they chatted, Ella prepared some tea, for the biscuits Lizzy brought; she seemed to be anxious about something. Lizzy told them about a movie she went to see, how much she loved it.

"I better go now; I just came to bring you the biscuits,"

"Thank you Lizzy, how sweet, next time I'll prepare something for you," Mimi stood up and went to her room for a nap.

Ella taking advantage that they were now alone asked,

"What is it Lizzy? Did Lucas tell you about that day?"

"Yes, but also told me to come here, and say 'e is sorry about that day," she took the last biscuit , "He begged me to come and talk to you, ... or he wouldn't lend me money to go and watch the new Paul Newman film," she drank her tea, "'e said to me that he doesn't want to spoil the relationship,"

"Relationship? ... as in him and me?!" she stood up from the sofa.

"That's what I said, he's always like that, belittling the opinion of the girls he dates, do you want me to tell him that you're not interested in him?"

"Yeah, tell that brother of yours she's not interested in dimwits," John said, interrupting the private chat, he arrived along with Paul and George

"Let's go upstairs John, leave the ladies alone," George said and that made her blush.

"Hi George, " Lizzy shyly said.

The lads went upstairs, and it gave Ella the privacy to answer to Lizzy, "I guess I better tell him that myself."

She said goodbye to her friend, and went to the kitchen to do the dishes.


The three boys were in John's room.

"What are we going to do about Pete?" George asked

"I didn't want admit it, but we need a new drummer,"

"We can't just get rid of 'im, he is our mate," John was confused.

"But Paul is right, we need a new one,'e is a great drummer but..."

"He is not one of us, you have to admit it John, 'e is not bad, but still 'e doesn't fit in."

"Maybe we should give 'im time, wait till we spend more time together, travelling around the world, touring."

"He said that he was going to travel with a cousin for some days... he invited him to Spain," George said

"But he'll be back, just tell me George who the fuck could be our next drummer?"

Paul and George quickly answered "Richard Starrkey."

"The lad with the weird beard?"

"You have seen 'im play John," George said, taking his guitar.

"Yes, and 'e is in a band, how are we going to make him join our band,"

George and Paul didn't know what to answer, they looked disappointed,

George, stood up opened a window from John's room and lighted a cigarette and said, "I dunno, but we'll wait if you say so,"

Ella felt anxious at the thought of Lucas thinking they were dating, and also at how was she was supposed to tell him that they weren't. She could hear the boys playing softly, while she washed the dishes, they weren't playing the same song, John was singing in a fake accent a weird song, George was just improvising on the guitar and Paul was talking.

Ella decided to turn on the radio, Blow a Fuse by Betty Hutton was playing, she remembered that song playing over and over during her trip to Liverpool, she began so sing along softly, as she dried the dishes; then someone joined along singing with her, she stopped and turned to see Paul standing behind her.

"Don't make fun of me McCartney," she said,  "what is it?" she dried the last plate and tried to put it on the kitchen shelf, Paul help her because she was having trouble reaching it, she thanked him with a smile.

"I came here for a glass of water, never thought I'll hear you sing,"

"Stop it, you better not tell them or else," she pour some water from the fridge and hand it to him.

"I won't," he drank a sip, "we are going to play next Saturday, at The cavern... Is John taking you there?"

"I don't know," she looked at him thinking 'is he asking me on a date?!'

"Well, do you want to go? I would like to see you there," he drank the last sip.

"I have tons of important matters to attend, but I'll see what I can do," she joked.

"Cheeky! tell John I invited you," He went upstairs, leaving Ella happy and dreamy.

Paul entered to the room smiling

"What are you up to Macca?" John asked.


"Is the bathroom free?" George asked him.

"Yeah," he said and his friend leave the room, Paul seemed to be humming along to a song John didn't recognized, he took a notebook and sat on the floor.

John saw him sitting on a corner, then he went toward him, "are you alright mate? Shit, did you argue with Ella, if Mimi finds out... I don't want to have more problems with that woman,"

"I did not, why would you say so? I asked for a glass of water that's all,"

"Only that?" that was even more confusing to him. Paul not arguing but neither flirting with a girl.

George came from the bathroom, "what are you talking about?" he asked.

"You can't listen to it, its 'R' rated, not for little kids like you," John said.

"I'm not a kid anymore Lennon,"

"But you look like one, son," he joked.

"And you act like one," George answer cleverly. George threw him a pillow to his face, and then John took from Paul's hands the notebook and threw it to George.

"Stop you two," Paul said, "And give that back Harrison, I'm trying to write here!"

"Sorry Paul, please don't hit us with the belt, I'll be good," John said and knelt down.

Ella stood by the door, "are you proposing John?" she asked, "I'm telling Cynthia,"

John stood up from where he was and said, "You can keep 'im Ella."

She narrowed her eyes, but he was clearly only joking, "witty, thanks for the offer, but what I really want is you helping me with the stove, I can't make it work."

"I'll be there in a sec, luv," he answered, when she went to the kitchen John looked suspiciously at Paul.

"You go and help 'er, I don't think she really meant JOHN, helping 'er," George said, as he returned the notebook to Paul, but not even with that statement John understood, so he went downstairs to help Ella.

"What did you mean George?"

"She likes you, undoubtedly, which girl doesn't? I'm not as dumb as you are,"

"Don't talk about something you don't know, Georgie." Paul tried to avoid talking about it, but George kept on talking.

"If you start flirting with Ella, "he began, and Paul stood up and closed the door, he asked him to shut up but he didn't, "She is not like the girls we met in Hamburg or some girls that follow us at the clubs, simply because she is John's family, and there will be trouble if you...."

"I bloody know that George, now, do not say a word about this to John okay?"

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