Chapter 26: Strings of My Heart

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She didn't feel comfortable, as much as she wanted him; she had to intervene, she put as an excuse that she was feeling heated by all that running, she then proceeded to take the suit jacket off, but when her left hand passed the sleeve it dropped a pamphlet,

She didn't feel comfortable, as much as she wanted him; she had to intervene, she put as an excuse that she was feeling heated by all that running, she then proceeded to take the suit jacket off, but when her left hand passed the sleeve it dropped...

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She picked it up, it was pink and it was impossible not to read quickly what it said, she read the word contraceptive.

He took it off her hands, "I... this was not because I thought you... this is not for you, I mean it is but— I went with Cleo , she's not pregnant," he was looking for the words to explain himself, but there was nothing he could say that wasn't a buzzkill to his romantic mood towards her.

"It's good!" It was almost too loud and she noticed, she lowered her tone, "that you...both are taking precautions, it's fine," she said then looked at him, it took her some seconds to find the words, but then she simply said, "I have — to go now," she said and even though they were on John and Mimi's street, she felt that it was way too far away.

They walked in silence for a few minutes, until he said, "I have this feeling, that maybe.... She knew about me going to your presentation,"

She stopped him, and with a firm look in her eyes said, "Do not blame ME."

Paul had his eyes fixed on her, "That wasn't what I was doing,"

Her colour had vanished, she was too pale, and in almost a whisper she warned, "That's enough, I can't!"

He then cautiously continued, as he followed her to the front yard of the house, "Truly I am not, it was just such a coincidence that she felt... well, ill, the day of your— I'm just saying she faked feeling that she was pregnant... I didn't even, I mean this," he took the pamphlet from his jacket again, and showed it to her again, "I didn't take this with me, she must've put it here," he then looked at the front door, and saw John, crossing his arms.

Ella hadn't seen her cousin there, "Stay away, Paul," in a tired voice she replied, she felt ashamed as she turned and saw John standing there, waiting for them to return.

John simply moved to let her pass; once the door was closed he looked firmly at Paul.

"It's not what you think Johnny," he said, a bit ashamed but also angry.

He walked calmly towards him, but it was certain that the had some rage hidden; "fix it then,"

Thinking he might push him or at least shout at him, Paul stayed standing near him, but John just turned and went inside his home.

The truth was that Lennon had a bad feeling the moment he saw Paul leaving with Cleo after their presentation, he talked about with Cynthia, and they both concluded that Ella might need some moral support from John, after being ditched by Paul. But once he saw them arrive together he feared for something even worse.

"I thought you were having some other plans tonight," she said in a fake light mood, almost trying to joke with John, she sat at the table, with a glass of some of Mimi's white Chardonnay , she used for mimosas, "how's Cyn? As lovely as ever I suppose,"

"Yes, and also worried about you," he said, placing a chair in front of her.

She took a big sip of her glass, "Me? I mean it went fine, look," she took placed her rolled diploma on the table, "they even spelled my last name correctly," she smiled at him, but worried once he saw him stay with a stern face. It almost made her cry. But she froze her face.

"What did he do?" He didn't change his face at all.

Taking another sip, nervously, she answered, "Nothing."

He sighed, adding more chardonnay to her glass, "What did I tell you?"

She turned her eyes to the roof as if she was trying to remember, "that you are the next Elvis Presley, even a better version of the King," she reached his hand but he took it away quickly.

He crossed his arms again "about Paul,"

She pretended to relax, as she took her hair down, "That he's an arse with the loveliest eyes you've ever seen!" Ella answered trying to make him laugh, it was normal for her not to appear as vulnerable to someone else. But he didn't laugh, even if he wasn't pretending to have a role as a paternal figure, he did seem one for her, "You said he's a heartbreaker... something like that, but jokes on him my heart can't be more broken than it already is,"

He wasn't ever as sentimental, but at that time he could feel her sadness, he grasped her hand, he understood that sorrow of not being wanted by the ones that are meant to care for you, "He's got this thing with Cleo, it's not your fault,"

"I know that," she drank from her glass and put to fingers on her mouth to stop the feeling of throwing up the alcohol, "it's my fault, I shouldn't have invited him," she managed to stop some tears and continued, "Paul's with her and I respect that, I overestimated our friendship,I was dumb." She bit the inner part of her cheeks,

He wanted to scold her so bad, but he just told her, " It's not anyone's fault,"

"It is mine!" She gave him a sad smile, "I heard him say I'm too complicated, because of the feud with my family, still I pretended I was normal many things to fix before—,"

"Your family's problems are not for you to fix," John said, as if he was reprimanding them both, himself and Ella.

She looked at him kindly, and understanding he still had some issues with his family, "We're all alone, aren't we?" This time she couldn't help the tears, "It's comforting to see you found good friends, they don't let you abandon your dreams, I may sound envious, but ... I'm sure it's not the Chardonnay making me tell you, you're doing something that will take you far." She gulped on the last of her drink.

He examined her face and asked, "What are you saying?"

"Maybe it is my intuition," feeling a bit tipsy, she took a small piece of chocolate that was on the table, stood up and placed a kiss on John't forehead, "I'm going to sleep, don't worry, I'll stay away from Paul."

As she left the room she heard him say, " Don't make promises I know you can't keep, luv," that made her heart sunk.

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