Chapter 3: If I Walk By You

Start from the beginning


"Yeah I told her you were dumb and smelled." He messed his friend's hair.

"He wasn't that wrong was 'e?" John said.

"Belt up!, you don't help me at all, do you?" He said and continued eating.

Paul was practicing the new logo for the band, it had some antennas to make it appear like beetles, and they liked the idea.

"Maybe we should sing one of our songs Paulie," John suggested

"We need practice before playing them in front of people, if not, it will end up like the last time."

"Throwing us glasses?"

"No, the other, the beer incident, remember?"

"No, I was too drunk." John confessed, "at least during our last performance we made a new fan, Ella said Merryman was humming our song after the show,"

"They may throw glasses at us, but enjoy our playing, good to know," Pete said cracking his knuckles.

"I don't like the idea of people like him liking our music," Paul sounded annoyed.

"Or liking my new sister," John added,

Paul smiled to him "That's not it, and stop all this, why don't we ask John where he went yesterday? Are you back with Cyn?"

"That's not of your business," he said pointing a finger at him.

"And mine is not yours,"

"Don't fight in here! Quick Pete! prepare the garden for this fellas to fight till death, " George shouted.

John, Ella and Mimi were having a quiet dinner on the table, Ella helped with the food.

"Charlotte, you should invite Lucas tomorrow for dinner."

"Mimi I don't want 'im here." He said as he took a sip of water.

"I wasn't talking to you, John."

"I don't think it's a good idea" she said politely, looked down, she knew Aunt Mimi was about to say an excuse to bring him there.

"Of course it is, he is a good boy, tell him to come tomorrow,"

Ella gave a "help me" look to John.

"But I promised that I would take 'er to a restaurant near here, with Cynthia, you remember 'er right?"

"Of course I do John, another day then, and you'll bring Cynthia too," aunt Mimi said, "So John how was that charity event, Charlotte told me you played for a little time,"

"Good place, bad people, they ignored us but the girls."

"John if you don't dress well, people are going to ignore you," he said with a matter of fact voice, and cutting the steak on her plate.

"You can't say a good thing to me, can you?" He stood up.

"John sit down!" she said.

"One day you'll be sorry," He didn't sit down, he went to his room.

After she helped wash the dishes, Ella cut a piece of pie, put it on a plate for John, she went to his room and knocked.

"Clear off Mimi!"

"It's Ella." She said opening slowly the door

"You too."

Deciding to ignore that, she entered with the pie. "I'm sorry, I know it's my fault,"

He didn't look at her, he took the plate from her hands and sat at his tiny desk.

"John, I know you don't like what she says, everyone has their own opinions, it's up to you to decide what is wrong and what isn't,"

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