hustles of the heart

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Later that day...

After deep thought and lots of self motivation I finally decided to get my ass out the house and do something.

It didn't have to be something big, but I just needed to feel productive again. Besides, I was in a good mood and I wanted it to stay that way.

It was a really nice day outside considering it was raining like crazy last night. The sun was out but it wasn't too hot either.

After sitting in my car for about half an hour, just scrolling through my phone, I decided on getting my hair done for my interview.

I connected my phone and put on the perfect song before I drove off.

"Hi, how can we be of service."
The receptionist girl asked smiling as soon I walked through the door.

Smiling back I walked torwards her and placed my bag on the counter.

I ran her through what I wanted to get done and for some reason I felt like everyone was looking at me. There was tension in the room and I didn't even know why.

I looked back hearing a few mimicks and chuckles mainly from the customers and now I was really confused at what was going on. For all I knew I came to get my hair done and get on about my business.

"What's going on?"
I asked the receptionist girl as she looked around the store aswell.

"Oh, don't mind them. They do that everytime someone like you comes in."

"Someone like me?"

"Yeah beautiful, rich, successful and classy."
She said handing me some bundles and I smiled.

"Oh... thank you. I'm not rich though,  yet that is."
I said and we both laughed.

"But you look like it so they'll still feel some type of way. Head over to the last section she'll get your frontal slayed... and you'll have more space from them."
She said winking at me discritly and I smiled before heading to the last Station.

After getting acquainted with the hairdresser whose name tag read Ashley. She got right to work and I made good use of my earpods, blocking out all the bad vibes.

I scrolled through instagram before I got a text.

Devon: I miss you already.

Sender: Which part of me though.

I laughed way too loud for my comfort as I  waited for him to reply.

Devon : Every part mama, you know that.

Devon : I'ma be out of work soon, I need to see you. Pull up ma.

Sender : I donno, I'm starting to think you're not good for me cos I can't think straight around you.

I was teasing him but being honest all at once, he really did have me under a spell everytime we where together and I didn't even try to fight it.

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