Oceans And Love

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We hit 1k reads ya'll.
I'm so grateful, I know it doesn't seem like alot but I didn't think I would get Here in such a short time frame.
To all my consistent readers I love ya'll & thank you. 💕

Do leave a vote and lemme know your thoughts.Here's the vacay scene loves.


I sighed starring at the pile of clothes on my bed.

D's birthday was in a few days so we were leaving for a mini vacation tommorow.

"Vee,you done packing?"
Cammy asked walking into the room.

"No, I don't know what to pack. And I just finished typing and submitting all my assignments for the week so I'm tired. I lowkey just wanna sleep."
I said propping myself on the bed.

"Babe as long as you add some bombass swimsuits, you good."

"Yeah, I just need to start."
I said starring at my empty suitcase.
"Uhm, so you came back pretty late last night.So who is it? "
I said finally beginning to roll my clothes and pack.

"Whose who?"
Cammy said giving me a dumb look.

"It's Jamil ain't it?C'mon besfren talk to me."

"Okay fine, its Jamil. I just ain't wanna tell you cos I didn't wanna seem..."

"Seem what?"

"I don't know, like we're best friends and Jamil and Devon are best friends. It's just kind of corny, I donno."

"Babe if you're happy, I don't care what it looks like. I just want you to be happy and if Jamil makes you happy then I'm all for it."

"Aww, I donno why I was so anxious to tell you."
She said wiping a fake tear and moving in to hug me.

"Bitch I already knew from the start, now move so I can pack all this stuff."

"Fine I'm done packing though. So lemme go order dinner. Mickeys good?"

"Yeah, don't forget the coke."

"I know."
She said laughing as she walked out.

Grabbing my phone I connected it to the Bluetooth speaker and left it on shuffle.
I bobbed my head as Jussie Smollett -loving you is easy came on.
I haven't listened to this in a while but this song is literally food for my soul.

After almost an hour of folding and packing I was finally done and I just wanted to sleep till next week-literally, but I was hungry so I made my way to the kitchen.

Next day 12a.m

"Yeah we're literally done babe, we'll be on our way soon."
I said as I slicked down my edges.

"Aight just text when ya'll on your way."

"I will."
I said as I quickly hungup to start getting dressed.
This was gonna be a fairly long flight so I wanted to dress comfy but still be cute.
I put on a pink long sleeved cropped top with matching Adidas leggings and my white sneakers.

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