19 4 1

A/N: It's been a month since the last update. So, here's another chapter, my lovelies. Don't worry, I'm not thinking of ending this story early. I'll be busy with my studies by the end of September.


Belleau, Stacy Hannah, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial Management, " announced our department's head professor.

My eyes scanned the whole auditorium and I found Jake on the west wing, sitting with his parents. I'd never forget how his eyes lit up and how he mumbled Congratulations, love, to me. With that being done, my smile went wider and my face was full of joy and contentment and pride. The love of my life is proud of me.

Aunt and Uncle were smiling and pointing their cameras at me too. How I wished my parents were here, but when I think of them being here in reality, they won't be proud. Well, at least I have Jake's parents.

"Magna Cum Laude," I could hear whistles from Samuel and Sadie.

My best friends...they never failed to make me feel loved. Look how proud they are at me! Thank You for giving me such great friends.

I was the last one to walk on the stage from our class so it was a little longer.

I was walking down the path on the left side of the auditorium to go back to my seat, Jake popped up in front of me when I was about to take a turn. He held his arms open and I immediately got inside. My heart was racing but it was peaceful.

He kissed the top of my head, next on my forehead, and then both my cheeks before he pinched my nose. "Love, I'm so proud of you," he whispered after he kissed me softly and I felt the love from the bottom of his heart through his kiss. The sincerity of his action was charming that I could imagine fairies pouring their pixie dusts on us, them flying all around us, cute creatures showering us with flower petals. Everything was light and shining, like a dream. It was magical.

"Ahem...please go back to your seats," I widened my eyes when I heard a familiar voice through the dominating speakers. So embarrassing...

Jake waved his hand at our professor, the same gesture our prof reciprocated after. What can I say? He's the favorite student.

When it was his class' turn, I was holding my polaroid camera in an instant. I brought extra film or the instax paper just in case I'm tempted to take a handful of photos. This is one in a million occasion. I'd usually treasure it and just let myself blend with it but I feel like a photographer. I wanted to capture even the small details of this event until this day ends.

"It's his turn, it's his turn, it's his-"

"Samuel Sair, I knooowww. You don't need to repeat it again and again," I complained. He was shaking my shoulders involuntarily. He was sticking out his tongue while shouting congratulations to every student who walks on the stage.

Here he comes...

"Argent, Jake Tyler, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Business Economics." Jake hesitantly took a step forward before he walked on the stage confidently. He held the diploma on his left hand after he received it, and shook the director's hand with his right hand.

I did not waste a second to capture that moment. Aunt was recording a video so she could repeat it again and again. This was one of the happiest moments of my life. Seeing the love of my life finally achieving his goal. I'd walk on that stage too, later.

"Summa Cum Laude." My heart leaped out of my chest, my ribs shaking and my pulses were banging when I heard the latin honor. I was hyped up and proud. I was pleased.

Our Beautiful Moments ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora