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Isn't it amazing how a person who was once a stranger, can suddenly, without warning, mean the entire world to you?

Yeah, and that one person would be you, Jake

But I don't think you're a stranger to me since you're my other half.

I was never a stranger to you, huh?


It's been two months and we could see improvements. However, I was not included in those improvements. He fully remembered Clara, Noah, His parents and Jasmine, except Ethan and me.

I know it's painful, like a bullet piercing through your heart. It was like a towel being twisted to see little drops of water to drink from it. Very pitiful, right? Couldn't agree more.

But it's not like we are able to force him to remember us. I don't think I could do that to him.

I was alone at the couch with Ethan beside me. He kept diverting his eyes to different places with made me a little uncomfortable too. I was getting worried. We were playing snake and ladder when he spoke something about him.

I could feel his pain.

"Come here, now, don't be sad my sweet Ethan," I immediately regret saying that when he cried in my arms. I shouldn't have said that to him. Stacy, you're so bad.

I engulfed him with my warm hug as he cried softly in my arms. My hands moved itself on his back as my lips mumbled reassuring words that I myself wasn't reassured...but for the sake of this child, I hardened my heart in order not to break down too. I am going to reassure that things will go well. No, I'm not going to cry in front of a child. Show no weakness.

"Stacy, how do you feel when he doesn't remember you?" he said in between his cries, still clinging on me.

I looked above before I looked at his eyes and said, "It broke my heart, really. When he said that he didn't remember me, my heart shattered into million pieces...but, I know, time will come that he will fully remember me. Even if things frustrates me, I have faith in God. Have faith in Him Ethan, because that's all we got. He will not let Jake permanently forget us, " my tears were almost falling when I wiped it away. A simple way to pretend that I was alright. I looked away when I saw his puffy face.

We could only pray for him and have faith in God. God is powerful and a mighty God. I'm sure He will not let us down. My heart is calm knowing that He will make him remember everyone.

" He doesn't want to play Lego with me, anymore. He won't draw me animals, why? " I didn't know if he was crying or complaining, or both. He was a normal kid who throws tantrums whenever he doesn't get want he wanted.

Ethan was clinging on to me and kept on crying. His face was all puffy and cute...and red, like a tomato. I took out my handkerchief and gave it to him and said sweet words to console him althoigh it wouldn't really help him, again. I wondered, is that how my friends felt when they tried to cheer me up? It's hard to be positive.

"stop crying, you look like a tomato," I said with an English accent that cackled him up.

We heard rumblings on the stairs and I knew that it was time. I put on a smile and encouraged Ethan to do so before calling them.

"thanks, Stacy," he smiled cutely and his eyes disappeared, covered by his chubby cheeks.

" hurry up, the line's getting longer," Clara grabbed my hand as we went to their van but I stopped myself. I was going to use my car. She crossed her arms on her chest and I remembered that she had an attitude.

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