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Hi, my name is Jake

I'm Stacy

It's nice to meet you

It's nice to meet you too

I love you


While I was watching a scene where it rains heavily, my mind trailed off to a memory. It's somehow a memory lane of mine that I have forever put a barrier so I will always remember every detail. Such good memories should be stored.

Well, I think it goes like this...

It was a rainy Saturday. The rain had not stop pouring for an hour and I doubted it would stop. I had already canceled all my outdoor plans the moment I heard the platter of the rain. I'm thinking of indoor activities but my mind went blank.

After heaving a deep sigh, I took out my diary to write what happened to my morning. Maybe this would help me calm down. The rain had ruined half of my afternoon, and I'm hoping the rest would stay as my typical Saturday. I'm upset.

The heater made a clicking sound and that made me stood up from my seat and I went to the kitchen. Just in time, the oven made a ding sound. My fresh banana cakes!!!

Since I couldn't go out, and I don't have any planned activities, I decided to bake. I was preparing my own hot snacks for a rainy weather when I heard the ringing sound of my doorbell. Huh? I didn't invite that hyper Samuel though I missed his loud voice. The girls said they were busy. They're window shopping, if I may add. I don't have other friends aside from them. So, who could it be?

What if it's a thief? But no thief would ring the doorbell right? What if it's a serial killer? I gasped.

I waited for a few seconds when I didn't hear it ring again. I ran to the door and slowly and cautiously opened the door, to reveal a strange but familiar looking man. He's soaking wet!!! I feel so stupid to think he's a thief or a killer.

"He-" I let him pass the chance to utter a disapproval so I could invite him to my house. Guilt is running down my spine. He could catch a cold and that would be my fault.

"You must be cold," I looked to the toilet's direction and ran to get a huge towel. That'll keep him warm. "Here," I said.

He was stomping his feet on my mat that says WELCOME while wiping his face. He sighed and dried himself. How long has he been out there?

Right! My foods! What should I say? Quick. "Uh, you can sit on the couch, if you want...or you could just stand. I have something to do, please wait."

I was only 4 or 5 meters away when he muttered, "For a stranger, you do have a good heart," what does that mean?

My actions? Well, did I do something wrong? I mean, I invited him and gave him towels. I'm going to share my hot chocolate and my cakes. Are those bad things to do? I thought that would be the proper thing to do. Does he need my help? Is he mad that I didn't open the door on the first ring of the bell? No, I'm so sorry.

"Do you need anything?" I cautiously asked, not looking at him as I was wiping the dirt on my hands with my apron. He looked at me up and down, observing my movements.

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