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Sing for me, will you?

My heart flutters whenever I see you
I'm captivated by the beautiful you

I don't remember any song with that kind of lyric

Because I just made it up


"Get inside, you two are embarrassing us." said Samuel who tried to calmly take me to the car.

Jake must've noticed it that they're trying to take me away so he ran and held Samuel. "What do you think you're doing?" said the two at the same time.

I looked at Samuel before I looked at Jake. "Sam...it's okay. I'm okay." I assured him. I held his hand before I loosened his grip on my wrist. "You were right. Jake and I should've solved this one, instead, we wasted time." I smiled at him.

Jake pleaded to him, "Don't take her away from me."

Samuel chuckled before he let out a sarcastic remark. "It's funny that a while ago, you were saying you'd like to separate."

"You're not the Jake who fell in love with Stacy. You're not the Jake who takes a good care of his girlfriend..." I looked up at Samuel who extended his arm so he could protect me from Jake's view. "You're not the same Jake who sees the true value of Stacy. No matter how difficult the situation is, the Jake before would always choose Stacy." One by one, my tears fall. They all started to flow gently, caused by Samuel's unexpected action. "Jake might correct people, even Stacy, but at the end, he'd always choose this girl. "

"Since you're not the Jake that we know, let go of Stacy." Sadie ended Samuel's speech.

That was what I remembered last night. After that, I went home with the others while Jake had to stay. Though they told me that I should stay at home after that, I sneaked out.

I was unsure of Jake. He let go of words such as "I don't want to let go of you." and "We can still work out." So why the heck is Stella still sticking with him?

Last night, I went back to the bar with the same outfit. I was glad that my friends weren't there, but I was honestly scared that Jake might kick me out of here.

This was what happened last night. It was the continuation of our situation.

3rd Person's POV

Stella was grumpy, pouting in front of Jake who was trying to calm down. Stacy had just gone home without solving things out with him. He received a call from Samuel and a text saying that if Jake wants to start over, he should do it properly.

Now Jake, our guy, was having a crisis inside the bar when Stella forced herself to kiss him. He got mad which almost made him loose control of his self. He was only lucky as he remembered Stacy's figure a while ago.

He took a tissue, wiped it on his lips, and then throws it at Stella's ugly duckling face—though ducklings are cute. "I am disgusted."

Jake's friend sighed and said, "Are you going to continue this plan? Are you sure? Cause you look like you're about to give up and just run to her?"

"C'mon Jake, Stacy is suffering. Stacy must know—"

Stella suddenly slammed her hands on the table. "Stacy here, Stacy there. Why Stacy?"

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