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I personally think, as your boyfriend, I won't ever forget you

What if you will?

Then I will find a way to remember you. I'd find all ways just to remember you.

Then, as your girlfriend, I hope you won't have to go through that


Before I could even open my eyes, Samuel had already opened the drapes so the sun's rays could pass through the window glass. I groaned and tried to cover myself with the covers but he gladly grabbed it, leaving me with nothing to cover myself.

Instead of my boyfriend waking me up so I could have a good morning, it was unfortunate to me that Samuel was the one who woke me up. That dang Samuel. Jake must be sleeping at this hour since he needs to rest for 10 hours so he might wake himself up at 7 o'clock, about time to finish cooking breakfast. I wouldn't bother him since he was tipsy last night.

Yes, I was asleep already when they had their deep talk. I knew about the one dozen beer they finished so they could work on giving each other some word of advice, woman experiences, and even secrets that even their families don't know of. This must be how men drink with each other. Jake thought that in order for him to give the best words, he must have booze to boost himself, and in order for Samuel to get what Jake was trying to imply, he needed the beer to make his brain work.

I should've thought that it would also give Samuel a rush of adrenaline early in the morning. I could tell that he had a bath without opening my eyes and see to it myself.

"Just because you received Jake's wonderful advice, I believe he didn't give you the permission to bother me at 6 am in the morning. Hush! Don't say anything, as I must close my eyes and go back to sleep." He snorted and let out a sneeze. A sneeze so disgusting that even the spirits in this house fled away. To sneeze in front of me, the host of this house, is rude and disrespectful. Oh, I forgot that this man believes that he is also the host of this house because he's my best friend.

"Dear Stacy, since you're talking like we're in the 18th century, I must follow you...er... to go with your own strange flow." Although I don't understand a word he is saying, I brought myself to sit on the bed, still with eyes closed, but with my ears opened.

"Oh would you just wake up. I am telling you that I tried to cook but something just didn't felt right. Your kitchen appears to smell like something is burning..." and before he could finish his sentence, my eyes automatically shot up and so did my body. I dashed outside of my room and to my kitchen where I saw one of my cooking pan burning. Since I didn't have any fire alarm, I took a rug and wet it with warm water before I put it on the pan so the fire would subside.

Dang it! I should've listened to him instead of drifting back to la la land. This guy is terrible in kitchen. Remind me to put a warning sign for Samuel. I am calm. I am calm. I let out a deep sigh after taking a huge air. "You..." it was all I can say as my annoyance was still subsiding, like the fire a while ago. "If you were hungry, you should've just annoyed me or blast the speakers in my room. Look at what you've done! This is no ordinary pan."

"Eh? But isn't pans the same thing? Why? Is that the pan that Rapunzel used to hit Flynn Rider?"

"I am not joking right now, Sair! What I mean is, this does not cost like ordinary pans. This costs half my college tuition. I dislike you for ruining it." I didn't let him talk as I gave my attention to the pitch black pan. I should be thankful that he put it on the sink-and though he didn't even try to open the faucet due to his panicking-still, I am thankful he didn't let it burn while the gas is still open and unsealed, or else the kitchen would be blown away.

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