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Someday we will have a family of our own

You'll be a great father. I know that someday, you'll treat our children as princesses and princes

And you'll be the greatest Queen Mother

I think you're about to tell me that you're my King

No need to mention cause I'm already your king, am I not?


I remember when I was in my last class which was Business Ethics. I only had 3 classes per semester. So, when I was having Business Ethics, my phone suddenly made a buzz sound. I ignored the buzzing sounds as I tried to concentrate on the lesson.

I sighed as I finished copying the notes written on the board. I smiled to Diane, my seat mate for she let me borrow her notes too. I excused myself and went away.

"you called—"

"I remembered something! I remember when we always visit the Orphanage," he didn't let me say anything as he abruptly hugged me.

"I'm proud. You remembered it," I hastily took my handkerchief in my pocket as I dried my tears. He got me there.

He swung our intertwined hands while he was talking, "I called you because I wanted to go to the orphanage,"

"today's Wednesday. It's our schedule ri—"

"right after classes. Let's go,"

I smiled at him as we walked together. That day couldn't be more better. Though I didn't start my day with a happy face, it ended with one.

While he was driving, he was so happy and always smiling. Seeing him happy because he remembered an important memory, my heart fluttered a lot. I was just about to invite him to the Orphanage that's why I did not accept any call. I was supposed to be busy.


Back when we were newly dating, when I was 15, before I even moved to my house at age 16, I used to go to the orphanage.

Mrs. Locks was the one who helped me throughout the years. She would visit my house twice a month to check up on me and the house. If there was a problem concerning the house, she's one call away.

When I introduced Jake to Mrs. Locks, she told me that I made a good decision.

"why are we going to the orphanage babe?" he asked again, while driving. He did not give me a glance as he was fpcusing on the road before us.

"Remember Mrs. Locks?"

"How can I forget her?" he chuckled.

" well, she was like my mother when I rightfully took my house in White Village. I treated the kids like my siblings. Every Wednesday and Saturday, I used to go there," I explained while looking at the view through the window.

"are we supposed to bring gifts?"

"gifts are not necessary. Just our presence. Plus, we have activities to do," I smiled at him.


"I don't really remember everything about it,"

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