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Stacy and Jake, huh?

Uhuh, Stacy and Jake, forever


"I told you to pack. Why aren't you packing?" His voice sounded like he was disappointed at me. I mean, he had the right to since I was just eating here and watching him pack our things. Well, he's done packing his things. He's now packing mine.

He groaned and repeatedly hit the luggage. "Seriously, we're not going anywhere until you do your work, my love. Now, pack your things." I didn't do anything to ever frustrate him more. I chose peace this time.

"Okay what's next?" I mumbled all the things I've put in my luggage. Basic and necessary materials are there. What's lacking?

Jake and I decided to have a 5 day trip since we have no class for a week. The school's under some work. We thought we should use this week to get closer. Samuel and Sadie had been keeping tabs ever since that night. Jake lost their trust, and honestly, I don't blame them. Any friend would do the same thing.

Griselda and Kirsi are chill, as of now, but if Jake decides to do that shit again, or like try to break up with me, the two would drag me away from him and probably lock me in a tower or something. They don't completely despise Jake and his actions. They're being cautious.

"What are these?" He pointed at all the snacks I've put in another luggage. I sheepishly turned around and walked away, but he held the neck of my shirt, preventing me from going anywhere.

"I heard that when people go on a road trip, they get hungry. So, wattatata! Foods!" I exclaimed. I sound dumb with my voice but hey, I need to pass his judgements. Food is great when eaten by humans. Humans are great with food.

Jake couldn't help but to sigh and rested his head on my shoulders. He held my tummy as he hummed softly. Okay, let's not panic. He's just clingy. What is happening? What is happening? Aaahh!

"Let's not fight during our trip." He spoke rather seriously. I ain't going to start a fight. I won't fight him if he won't fight me. Hehe.

I nodded before I packed the rest of my clothes. I'll be spending money so I brought a large wallet, just in case I get attracted to some souvenirs. I can't help it. Some are so cute. Okay, let me be honest, most of the souvenirs are cute. Don't get me wrong.

We used his car since mine was under it's monthly maintenance. We stopped by at his parents' house so we could bid our byes and kisses. His mother told me that I should enjoy this week and think of this time as if nothing happened. Yes, they know.

His mother was downhearted when she heard of it. She scolded him. Her words were like belt being hit on your skin. Auntie was harsh on him. That's what he gets for hurting a girl. Zion and Ethan got scared when they saw how their mother approach their older brother. She was not the kind mother that they knew. She was like their strict teacher. Maybe more than that. They must've learned a lesson; never hurt a girl or you'll face your mother's wrath.

The streets had trees which got me interested to the point where the memory card was full. I had to choose and delete some of it. Jake found it funny. He was just driving while I was enjoying the view. He drove a little fast which made me dizzy because I want to take a still and focused picture but most of it were blurred.

When it was lunchtime, we stopped by the station so we could refill the tank. I fed him food while he drove the car. I thought it's better if we take turns but he resisted. Because I feel bad that I was only sitting here, I decided to take pictures of him. I even had told him to stop the car so I could take a much cooler picture of him.

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