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"To be honest, I don't really know what the future holds." I truthfully told Samuel. This wasn't weird to me since I would always come to him when I'm having problems.

He held my hand as if stopping me from saying something that's strange. "Wait a minute. Why do you sound like the two of you are about to break? Dooon't..." he was exaggerating his expressions. He was screaming and it sounds like an ambulance.

But seriously, I felt a little lighter than a while ago. Though my sighs are still deep, I feel a little better from laughing at him. "I didn't say that, but if time comes that we will break up, I will eventually learn to accept it?" I was serious but it went out as a question.

He stood up and went to grab his phone. I suddenly thought he was upset because of what I had said. You know, Samuel has been supporting my relationship with Jake. He was there to witness our relationship. He saw Jake as the ideal or best candidate to be my husband. And he had made Jake to swear an oath that he's going to take a great care of me. So, I thought he'd be upset that I did think of 'break up' casually.

"Hey-" I didn't finish what I was about to say when I heard him talk about me. It was Sadie. "She needs a girl talk. C'mon, girl, do your magic. Do your magic, bestie. Bring Griselda and Kirsi..." I felt a sting in my heart.

He's so...I don't know how to exactly describe him. He's understanding and so kind towards me. I feel bad for jumping to a ridiculous conclusion that he's upset about me.

"Sam?" I called out, whimpering. I'd be honest, I'm scared. I didn't want to negatively think about my relationship. We haven't talked since our fight. He had never reached out to me.

Though he wasn't exactly like this before, I could feel that this is different. This time, something's off with him. I can't point my finger at it. I'm still picking up the clues.

"What is it?" he turned to me and gasped when he saw my face. He jogged towards me and gave me a hug. "Why are you crying?" I didn't say anything.

We stayed like that for a while. He was humming and we were like slowly dancing or maybe it was more of just tapping our feet on the floor. I was following his steps while silently crying.

"You know, if Jake doesn't want to remember you, that's alright. If he doesn't want to remember his memories with you, don't push him. You'll have more fights like this in the future, and that's horrible. Why don't you make new memories that he will now remember? Maybe you should not focus more on the past. What's important is the present, remember?" I nodded, still buried in his arms.

Samuel has a point, or should I admit that he's right?

"He's not the type of guy who reasons out something idiotic. Maybe he needs to buy some time to think logically about what he did to you-"

"But it's almost 2 weeks and I...I missed him." I busted out. Oh nah, buy some time?

He chuckled and then said, "Why don't you tell him that?" As if it's easy. I'm not going to drown on my negative thoughts. That's not the right thing to do. But then again, I don't even know what's the right thing to do.

I had calmed down and went to the kitchen, back and forth actually, before we heard the ringing sound of my doorbell.

It surely didn't take them long to arrive here. Let's hope they brought foods.

Samuel's POV

Sweet Stacy was sitting down on the couch with the girls. I let them talk while I waited for the soft cookies. We were baking but then the girls arrived. So I had to finish this alone.

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