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But you know that I provide warmth for you whenever you want it, right?

Come to me and hold me, then.

Like this?

I wish we can stay like this, forever


This is the 4th day of our trip and so far, I feel ecstatic. My left shoulder still hurts because of the tattoo. Jake had embedded his tattoo on his left chest where his heart was located. It's because he felt like the tattoo should be near his heart. Idiot, he should've just asked the artist to take his heart out and embed the tattoo on his heart so the two would be the closest to each other.

Anyway, kidding aside. We've received a call from Sadie that Kirsi was hospitalized due to dengue disease. Though I wanted to go to the hospital, Sadie told me not to and instead, I should just enjoy my trip since we'd leave tomorrow afternoon.

I'm about to have a night swimming when Jake decided to stay in the room. I walked back, feeling upset because of his sudden decision. I have just worn my swimsuit a while ago yet he decided to go back. I mean, it'll be just the two of us, if we're lucky. Yes, there would be other people there, but oh gosh, we could just ignore them, right? "Babe, I don't understand you. Like why?" I whined.

He crossed his arms and turned on the TV. He completely ignored me. "Oi, Jake. Don't you think we should go back?" I tried to talk to him calmly as I felt my frustration rising up. He still didn't budge. "No, I don't think so." He replied.

"Jake Tyler Argent, we should go back. Or at least explain it to me why we're staying here after dressing up." I crossed my arms in front of my chest and eyed him who was casually cozying himself. This is wrong, definitely wrong.

"How about you change your clothes?" Really? He's acting like this because of that?

"Babe, are you serious?" I scoffed, and I meant it. Well, it's because he does not care before.

Not that he does not care about guys staring at me or sexualizing me. He respects my decision to wear swimwear or revealing clothes. He said and I quote, "Women should not have to feel insecure or afraid to show what they want to show, as long as there is respect on it. If Stacy wants to wear swimsuit, then alright."

"But what if guys would hit me up or something?" I curiously asked. "Aren't you going to be mad at that?"

"I'd be mad, but it's their problem. You're not doing anything wrong for them to think like that. It's their mind's problem. Let them think whatever they want to think, whether it destructs them or not, if they pursue it, it's not your problem." he chuckled at the end. "And besides, didn't God said to gouge your eyes if you state at women and sexualize them? Just bring a fork and hand it to them."

He even had the chance to use God's words against me.

"Jake, didn't you say before that I should not care about how people look at me? Didn't you say that I should bring a fork and hand it to them so they could gouge their eyes if they ever sexualize me?" he looked at me as if I was saying nonsense.

My thought of him remembering our memories were immediately crushed. He still does not remember, does he? He does not. Maybe I was just hallucinating myself. Maybe I'm that desperate to make him remember our past.

But again, what does that do good to me? And to him? How will we have new memories of I still cling on the old ones?

"You're right. Let's go," he took my hand and led us outside. I was staring at our hands without knowing what he was saying to me. "I'm sorry. What was it again?" I asked, apologetically.

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