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Don't you want to explore the world, Jake?

With you, I would love to

Then let's travel right after college

Stacy, you know I'll do anything as long as I'm with you

I love you...



Today marks the 3rd month of his so called healing. Today marks the 92nd day I have been forgotten by my love one. Despite all these, this fear inside me is building up my courage to see to it that he will remember me and as Mulan said, "there is no courage without fear,". Therefore, I must still keep this fear with me to make myself courageous. Courageous enough to fight in the name of love. Such a cliché thing, but it'll be worth it.

I was cleaning my backyard, at this moment. I was already done cleaning the whole house, early in the morning. I did the laundry too, just an hour ago. I was pretty awesome today. I'm feeling functional, doing all the house chores, all by myself, for I can only rely on myself, and myself...alone.

Speaking on being alone, I received a parcel from my parents. I wonder why they're suddenly sending me a parcel. Not that they don't send one. They do, annually, and sometimes on rare occasions. The only reason they're sending me parcels is because they want me to change my decision. There's no giving up when it comes to our family. Give up? We don't know that. That is never in our vocabulary, to be precise.

After I finished raking and gathering the dead leaves on to the nearest corner, I went inside the house. I would later cut those leaves into small pieces before using it as a fertilizer. I don't want to use my money when I am able to think about alternatives, do I now? I certainly do not want to even spend a penny. That's how thrifty I am.

"What is this?" I mumbled, while opening the two parcels. Yes, two. Now, I am intrigued to know why they're sending me not one, but two parcels, and at this month. It's not even my birthday yet.

There were green crumpled crepe paper. Luh, what is this? Haha, a green journal? What the fruitty fret? This was my journal when I was 13, I guess. Oh dear, why did they send it to me? Next to the journal were my green painting. It was an abstract painting, using different shades of green.

And-Oh My Dear. What's the meaning of this? "Oh good Lord, why?" I groaned, banging my head on the wall.

So they sent me a journal, a painting, an envelope, and a key card. They all have one denominator, and it's green. What's green? Perhaps, it represents something? Does it represent something, or someone? I think I'm in trouble. Oh for the love of my family what does green supposed to mean? Does it mean so much to my family that I know not of?

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and I panicked, as a reaction to it. Why must I have to panic? That I do not know of. I gulped before I stood up and went to open the door. "Samuel?" I asked, surprised to see him standing in front of me. I did stammer before I regained my consciousness. "Hi, come in. What brings you here? Is everything alright?" Questions kept on going out of my mouth as I let him into my house.

Truth be told, it is always weird to see him visit me, in proper condition.

He groaned and flopped himself on the couch, gracefully. "Too many questions." I rolled my eyes before going to the kitchen to offer water and some snacks. I baked brownies yesterday. Still, it's edible and delicious, despite not being fresh from the oven.

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