1.1 - Suki

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Suki shoved down her nerves as she and the other Kyoshi warriors closed in around the cave. It was well concealed by the thick forest, so it had taken some time to find it. But here they were.

Usually, she didn't get nervous during a mission but this time was different. Their orders were to bring her in unharmed, but Suki had fought her many times before and knew that these fights could get ugly fast.

She noticed movement at the cave entrance; someone was coming out. A young girl emerged, to stand at the opening. Not her, Suki thought, but who is she?

The girl simply stood there, watching the starry sky slowly lighten. This was their chance, to grab her at dawn, when she and her little band of runaways would be just waking up. Their carriage stood not too far from here, all they had to do was Chi block her and leave. Something about it felt wrong though. Suki knew that it wouldn't solve their problem in the long run; she would just run away again. No, this problem couldn't be solved using force.

Suki had always trusted her instincts, and right now, she decided she would have to do so again. Suki lifted a flat palm and pushed down – stand down. She knew the Kyoshi warriors around her understood, and they barely made a sound as they waited.

Then, without warning, Suki walked out of her hiding place with her gloved hands up, "Hello there," she said warily, "I'm not here to hurt you, I just want to talk."

The girl jumped, but quickly recovered "Right," she replied, standing in a defensive position, "Never heard that one before."

"I mean it. My name is Su-" she stopped herself before she said her full name. This girl might have orders to tell her leader if a 'Suki' showed up. And that would be bad. Very bad. "What's your name?"

"Aiko...what are you doing here, and don't lie to me," the girl tried to sound strong, but her voice was quaking. Not much experience with combat, Suki guessed.

"I'm looking for someone. She's in a bad place, and some people who really care about her sent me to come find her. We want to help."

"Who...who are you looking for?" Aiko was looking less and less sure of herself, and began to ease up.

"I think I can answer that one for you, Aiko," both girls turned to the sly voice that had just spoken, "She's looking for me."

Suki held the girls gaze as she stepped into the faint dawn light, "Azula."

Azula smiled, "Long time no see...how have you been? I see the Fire Nation hasn't completely fallen apart yet, so I suppose Zuzu is doing a half-decent job of being Fire Lord after all."

Suki bowed her head, "Of course, Fire Lord Zuko has worked very hard to restore peace and balance after the war. He is also hoping to be able to restore peace and balance in other areas of his life. Within his family, Azula. That includes you."

Azula doubled over and laughed, and it was all Suki could do to keep from flinching as her manic shrieks filled the clearing. She wiped a fake tear from her face as she straightened up, "Oh dear, no. That is too good! Zuzu? Wanting to restore peace and balance? In our family?"

Aiko looked from Azula to Suki and back again, quietly retreating. Suki held her ground, Azula wasn't yet a threat.

"Azula, I can't imagine how hard it has been for you and your family–" Suki began

"Don't pity me!"

"I'm not," Suki said firmly, but gently, "Zuko wants to make things right with you. The two of you have been through so much. He wants you to come back. He wants to help."

Azula's eyes were wide, "Liar! You don't know anything about him or me! It doesn't matter anyway." She was getting worked up and angrier every second. Suki knew that if she became a threat her warriors would chi block her, but she didn't want it to come to that.

Azula continued, "Zuzu doesn't want me back to help me! He wants to lock me up again! Keep me out of the way! Cast me aside! Just like...just like..." Her eyes became distant.

Suki risked a step forward, and Azula's head whipped back to her.

Gently she said, "Azula, I know this is hard for you. You think I'm going to betray you, but it doesn't have to be like that. Come with me. You won't be my prisoner, I am here to escort you. Come home, and I promise you, if Zuko tries to lock you up, I'll stop him myself or," she grinned conspiratorially, "I'll chi block him and help you escape."

Azula looked at her warily, and then back to Aiko. Suki let her think, let her consider the danger and what she would be giving up. A life with a group of runaways in the wilderness or life at the palace. Although she would have her own ulterior motives, Suki believed that deep down, Azula had wanted to return home anyway. Giving her the choice made her seem like the one in control, and that's what Azula liked: control.

"Fine. I'll go, if only so that you leave me alone. Aiko, Ena is in charge while I'm away. Tell the others I went freely but if you don't hear from me in the next few weeks, come find me," she glared at Suki, "I could be their prisoner again."

"It won't come to that," Suki assured the girls.

With a final nod from Azula, Aiko hurried back into the cave and Azula turned to Suki, "I'm assuming that you brought a band of your little friends just in case."

"I did," Suki smiled, "Girls, you can come out now, we're going home."

The other five Kyoshi warriors emerged, some looking wary, while others just looked confused.

"What?" crooned Azula, "No welcoming party?"

Ling, one of the older girls stepped forward and bowed curtly, "Welcome Princess Azula, we are so glad you could join us." Her voice was tight, but still polite.

Azula huffed, "See? It wasn't that hard." She turned to the others and they followed suit, as did Suki, with quick bows.

Suki straightened up and turned in the direction of the carriage, "Shall we girls?"

Azula stepped up beside her and smirked, "I suppose we shall."


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