The Creep, The Cops, and a Beautiful Naked Lady

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In my last apartment building, there were three flats on the second floor. I was a "Non-Traditional student in my 50's and lived at the top of the stairs; Gina was an intelligent, young attractive grad student, in her mid twenties, that grew up near where I did; and a really young 17 or 18 year old freshman that lived on the end..

I never found out his name.

I had lived there for 3 years prior to going back to school and knew the area well. Gina went to the same Local College years after I did and transferred that semester to finish her masters in nursing. I would show her the local places to hang out and relax, study, or just have fun. She would tell me about my hometown and how it had changed in the almost thirty years since I left. Her parents were my age and went to a rival High School. My high school always beat theirs in every sport except swimming. We had great laughs about that.

One Friday night, while we were hanging out on the front balcony chatting, the young guy walked by to get to his. She said he freaked her out. We chatted some more, and two other guys went in his. We made plans to go to the city park the next day to watch a free bluegrass concert, and all was quiet when we said goodnight.

It was well after midnight when I heard pounding on a door. I thought it was downstairs. The guy directly below me always got so drunk Friday nights, he couldn't figure out how to use the keys. His girlfriend usually let him in and he quieted down. Then my phone rang. It was Gina. She said the creep next door was pounding on hers and wouldn't go away. I told her to go in the back bedroom and lock the door.

She did and I called the cops. They showed up and cuffed the creep and knocked on my door. The cops they told us the kid claimed to be Gina's boyfriend. Gina and I confirmed he was not, and he was taken away.

Later that week, a female detective and a bunch of cops showed up and loaded the kid's stuff into a van. Curious I asked what was going on. The detective told me she was not allowed to discuss an ongoing investigation.

Gina must have heard because she opened her door and pulled me in. She was crying and yelling and saying stuff about pictures, stalking, a spying, I sat on her couch not knowing what to do. I was never good at emotional situations.

She slapped a stack of about 10 or 20 pictures. I only saw the top on it was an overhead view of Gina taking a shower.

I became really angry and worried; I went to the apartment manager demanding what she was doing about it. She said they are redoing her ceiling and installing panels in all the attic crawl spaces because he had cut a hole in his ceiling and used the attic to drill several small holes to use a spy cam on Gina.

I ran back to Gina's and the detective was sitting on the couch asking her questions.

She asked what my relation to Gina was. I said I was just a friend and neighbor. I wanted to know what the detective was doing to protect Gina.

She said there wasn't much she could do. She offered Gina a place in a women's shelter, and Gina refused. Without money for a hotel there weren't much options for Gina until the repairs/modifications were done. The detective asked me if I owned a gun.

I asked her what business is that of hers.

She just wanted to know if I could protect Gina.

I explained my military training and assured her I could protect Gina without admitting I owned a gun.

Gina Knew I owed an M1911 A-1 .45 Caliber that I got from my days in the Marines. In fact, I took Gina to the gun range to show her how to use it, but she said nothing.

The detective said a restraining order was applied to him and if he showed up on the property there was nothing that could protect him.

Despite my internal conflict, I decided if the creep showed up again I would shoot him. Lucky that never happened.

There was no other choice Gina would move in with me. Gina would usually go back next-door in the morning. to get ready for the day and we'd travel to school together. On the weekends, she would be at her place studying or doing whatever young ladies do in  the morning and I'd go over and see how she we was doing. Then, we'd spend the day together.

That was the first two weeks. The third on a Saturday started as normal. I had planned a surprise for Gina we were going to go to the bluegrass concert we missed before. I was in the shower cleaning up. I had a real bad nightmare and pooped and wet my diaper. The used diaper was on the floor and I planned to take it to the trash after. I didn't bother to close the door because I thought Gina went to her place to get ready for the day. When I was done I opened the curtain and Gina was sitting on the toilet naked peeing. 

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