Wakee Wakee Smell The Coffee

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I woke the next morning around seven feeling refreshed. Gina was lying next to me still naked. I guess she threw the covers off in the night. I thought about tickling her pussy or squeezing her behind. My adult self took over, and I decided to let her sleep. My diaper was only a little wet so I decided not to change right away. We were out of coffee, so I put on a skirt that was lying on the floor and a t-shirt. I think it was hers, but it fit so I grabbed the room key and my sandals and kept going out the door careful not to slam it.

The same local restaurant/bar was open, not the bar part. It had a Sunday "Wake up" special. pancakes with bacon or sausage. I didn't know what Gina prefered so I ordered one of each with two coffees to go. I liked both. The hotel office was open so I stopped by and got more creamers and sugar. The guy behind the counter asked if I wanted more coffee. I showed him the cups I had. He still gave me two packs, and I went back to the room. I was careful to make as little noise as possible. Gina was still asleep.

I set everything down, started a pot, and sat quietly on the only chair in the room sipping my coffee. That's when Gina did something I have never seen before. She rolled on her stomach and started rubbing herself. At first I thought she woke and didn't realize I was in the room. Then I realized what was happening. She was having a wet dream. I have had them before, but I didn't realize girls had them to. I sat transfixed. I was not aroused. I was just fascinated at this new sight.

She started to climax. "Oh, daddy you feel so good." she started softly. She kept going until she finally yelled. "Daddy please cum with me!" She rolled over and sat up stretching.

I didn't want to embarrass her so I said nothing, but from the large wet spot on the sheets, I could see she had a satisfying dream.

"Oh you're up." She said. and came over and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek sitting on my lap.

"I got us breakfast. Sausage or bacon take your pick."

"We'll share." she said getting up, pouring a cup of coffee and heating up the meal with bacon in the microwave. Then the other. She sat back on my lap and we shared the breakfast using the nightstand as a table. "If I knew we were getting refunded our tickets, I could have got a nicer room."

"That's OK Daddy." She said, "This is perfect."

That was the second time she called me "Daddy." Am I getting into more than I can handle? Does this gal have a major "Father Complex?" I dismissed it letting her decide when to bring it up.

We finished our breakfast in silence watching the morning news. It was supposed to rain on the way home. We decided to leave early, so we took a quick shower and hit the road. Gina diapered me and put one on her saying she didn't want to stop at the yucky gas station restrooms. I left a five on the nightstand as a tip for the housekeeper. We both wore skirts so changes would be easier on the way. The trip back was much the same as the one there until at one of our diaper stops. I made a poop. I tried to hold it but it just was too much. After she helped me, I was changing Gina when she asked asked....

"How long were you sitting there?"


"In the chair next to the bed back at the hotel?" She blushed.

"Don't worry sweetheart. I have wet dreams all the time." I straightened her skirt, gave her a kiss and a hug, and we went on her way.

Back home we unloaded everything and Gina put the dirty clothes in the wash. Neither of us wet since the last stop, so we sat in just our diapers hugging on the couch. We watched a documentary about Aztecs on the TV and ordered a pizza.

The pizza arrived and I put on a bathrobe to pay for it. We sat at the kitchen table eating there was plenty of beer left in the cooler and that's what we drank.

"I was dreaming of you." Gina just blurted between bites.

"What?" I asked confused about what she said.

"Back in the hotel, I was dreaming of you."

Not knowing what to say, "Oh that's nice. I think?" was all I could manage.

"Seriously, Ever since I gave you that massage I wondered how you would be?"

"You know I am twice your age?"

"I know. I don't want to be Boyfriend and Girlfriend, but I trust you." She continued. "You don't treat me like a piece of ass. You treat me like a friend."... "Besides I think you're hot."

"I'm an old man. You're a brilliant beautiful young lady. What would you want from a guy like me?"

"Nothing just a close friend." she explained more, "I know we will never be "lovers." She said doing air quotes, "but I feel safe with you."

"OK, Might I point out the facts?" I said Frankly. "Other than our age, I just peed my diaper at the dinner table. Because I ate pizza, I'll probably poop in my sleep." I went on. "After we graduate we will probably separate and never see each other again. I have been there before. You'll meet some guy or gal closer to your age and run off for a life of your own."

"I don't mind the diaper or our age. I have changed poopy adult diapers before. The only difference is, I like changing yours. Don't ask why. On you it seems like I was meant for you. For now, I just want you. If we have sex that's OK if not that's OK too....

"Do you know why I called you Daddy?" She asked.


"My dad was a great guy, but he never knew how to handle girls. He would play with me and we had a blast together. But, when it came to girl stuff, he couldn't figure it out. You don't seem to mind."

"I just follow your lead. I know nothing about "Lady" problems."

"That's it. You let me lead.  You don't shy away.  And, you seem concerned."

"I am concerned. I don't want my friend to hurt."

"You see that is why I love you. Sure we'll probably never have some story book romance. We probably won't stay together forever, but for now, I love you and love being with you." She made a point.

"I can't argue with that?" I admitted. "Get over here and give your daddy a kiss."

She came over and we kissed and hugged for a while then cleaned up the dinner table. It was weird but nice. We just accepted each other. Gina helped me get ready for bed. Her diaper was dry and she felt better taking it off and sleeping naked next to me in just my diaper. That seemed OK.

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