Tonight Let's Enjoy Each Other

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Zack woke and his diaper was soaked, but he was hungry. He made a ham sandwich and grabbed a beer from the fridge. His diaper would have to wait. He didn't notice Gina on the back porch. He knew it  wasn't her fault she didn.t like his writing.  Everybody is entitled to their own taste. But, he was still mad at her. He ate his sandwich and drank about half the beer before he fell back asleep on the couch.

Gina continued looking at Zack's book. It was more of a scrapbook than a notebook or journal. There were partial stories about the times they spent together and pictures of the places they went.

There were a lot of pictures of her with sweet loving comments. Most were mundane. Some were of her naked, diapered, and in panties. They weren't smutty. They were just photos. She saw how happy she and Zack looked. Most of the photos, she had no clue were taken.

Her favorite was one of Zack changing her at the concert. At first she thought the couple they were with took it, but they had left to find the restrooms. She was exposed below the waist for all to see. She remembered how she felt; she didn't care what others, saw, said, or thought. She felt free and loved.

That was a wonderful day. The caption made her tear up a little, "Perfect Day Perfect Lady." She went back in and placed the notebook on the coffee table while Zack still slept and went to take a bath.

Zack woke. He was still confused and a little upset, but decided that he was in love with Genie. He accepted that Genie didn't feel the same about him. He also decided he would keep his feelings hidden. He didn't want to ruin their relationship. Even though  he was still upset, He felt a little better. He knew Genie was too young for him. She had a future. She was the most beautiful thing on earth, but he did not want to hold her back. He cried when he thought of not seeing her.
He wiped the tears and noticed his notebook on the coffee table. It was opened to the page of him changing Genie. The lawyer lady got it from a bystander. They were going to use in court, but that never happened. In the background was a boy in diapers playing with a naked girl. He often thought of throwing it away. Genie might be embarrassed if she saw it, but he could never throw anything about her away. He took off his soaked diapers, pitched them in the bin, and went out on the deck to try and clear his head. Genie would be home from school soon and the had allot to talk about.

Gina was in the bath. She was thinking of the bath with Zack. He was beautiful.  She knew she shouldn't be attracted to him, but he was perfect. He wasn't a body builder type, or had a giant penis like the porn she saw. She had never even imagined anyone having sex with an older guy much less anal with anyone. Before she met him, the thought of anal was repulsive. But he felt right. She wanted to go further. She knew he was the one for her. "Fuck age!" She thought as she got out of the tub and watched the water drain.

Still naked from the waste down, Zack walked back in to get another beer, and heard the water draining in the bathroom. He hadn't realized that Genie got home. He considered going back outside to avoid Genie, but decided no matter how much it hurt he had to let Genie know how he felt and let her be free to live her own life even if it was without him.

He heard her rummaging in her room as he went in his to put on a diaper. He thought about putting on a plain white one, but decided to put on the ones with little animals swimming and a t-shirt. That was all he wanted to wear. For some reason those always made him feel better and helped his confidence in difficult situations. He could see her soaked diaper on the floor. She was taping up her pink diaper as he said, "Genie babe, could I talk with you for a while?" as he picked up the wet nappy and turned to head to the trash.

"Sure Daddy, what do yo wanna talk about?"

"Not now, when you are finished."

"OK," Genie said and walked over and gave Zack a hug and a kiss on the cheek, "I love you Daddy." She whispered in his ear and went back to changing.

Zack almost fell over hearing those words. He was totally smitten, and he had to figure out a way to keep her beauty in his life without ruining it. He went over to help Genie with her diaper "I love you too. I think I have since the day we met, but I don't want to hold you back."

"Hold me back from what?" Genie asked while Zack help her pull up a pair of sweat pants.

From the perplexed look on her face Zack could tell Genie was being sincere. "I am too old for you, and to be honest, I'll be dead in twenty or thirty years and you'll be about the age I am now."

"Oh Daddy!" Genie replied with sad but joyful tears hugging Zack tight. "If I spend one year or a hundred I'll always want you there."

Zack guided Genie onto her bed where he sat hugging her until she was all cried out. Then he said something so profound he even surprised himself. "Well my love, let's decide about the future tomorrow. Tonight let's enjoy each other." 

They held hands as they walked back to the living room together. Zack grabbed a beer from the fridge and poured Genie a glass of her favorite wine. He, then, started cooking dinner. Genie sat on the couch and drank the first glass pretty quick. She got up to get more, and realized that there was no reason for her to wear pants, so she took them off. She thought about taking her diaper off to, but by now she was so used to wearing them it seemed like the most comfortable soft undies, so she left it on. Besides, she knew if she drank more wine she'd wet them and they would be even more soft warm and comfier.

Zack couldn't decide what to make for dinner. There was plenty in the fridge, and that was part of the problem. He finally decided on fried shrimp, a salad, and garlic bread. He was prepping everything  when he noticed Genie getting a second glass of wine. Her diapered bottom was amazing. Her pants were off and her diaper looked dry, but he couldn't resist giving her a gentle hug and squeeze. He kissed her neck and said, "I love all of you Genie." then gave her diapered crotch a loving caress.

Genie reacted with a little squirt pf pee in her diaper to acknowledge his touch. Then turned, kissed him gently, and said, "I love you too. I want to be together as long as we can."

"That sounds like a good idea." Zack replied. Then returned to dinner. 

By the time dinner was ready both had had a few more drinks and wet their diapers fully, but decided to leave them on until dinner was done. They sat to eat and had had a wonderful meal discussing things that couples do. They fell asleep on the couch hugging watching the late news still in their wet diapers.

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