Gina Falls in Love

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Zack was in a cranky mood all week. He wasn't rude or mean. He just seemed distant. Gina knew he got like this sometimes, so she hugged her friend close when he needed it and let him be alone in his man cave when he needed that too.
At night she would help him into his diapers and tuck him in with a good night kiss and go to her room. That seemed to help a little, but she knew he had ghosts of his own. She was wearing diapers every night, not because she needed them, but it reminded her of Zack's soft embrace holding her while she slept. She never thought before a man could feel so good.
Sometimes Zack would crawl into bed and snuggle with her late at night. She never felt so safe, loved, and appreciated before.
She had resisted becoming attached to Zack, but more and more he was becoming irresistable. He wasn't trying that was just the way he was. Sure he had his moods, but after all the crap he went through, Gina was surprised He wasn't a total wreck.

<<The morning of the final composition for CRW-6040 (Master's Creative Writing) was due.>>
Zack had locked himself in his man cave all week. He only came out for meals, diaper, changes, and sleep for an hour or two a night. Sunday morning Zack walked out of his room in his favorite panties, to the pool, swam one lap, and went in his man cave.
I was worried about him when he didn't come out for lunch or dinner. I peeked in on him before I went to bed. He didn't seem to notice as I emptied the diaper pail or checked his diaper. He did give me a hug and kiss and tell me he was almost done.
It was somewhere between midnight and morning when Zack crawled into bed with me. He gave me a soft hug and I heard a whisper of the word, "Done."
I instinctively reached back to feel his diaper. It was very full and one more mess or wet would have probably even went through his cover. I was wet also, so I decided to get us cleaned up before we leaked all over the mattress cover.
Zack was exhausted, but I managed to get him to the bathroom to clean up. It was a mess but we managed.
I started the tub and got Zack situated while I took our wet and messy diapers to the bin outside. It was full, so I went back in and put on some sandals to take it to the curb. I didn't bother with any other clothes because even if someone was up this late I didn't care if they saw me.
I went back in and joined Zack in the tub. The warm water felt good as I eased my bottom in. Zack had become semi erect as I slid my crack against him. We sat there enjoying the feel of each other. We got out dried and went to bed naked together. It was then I knew I fell in love with Zack.

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