Bluegrass Music & A Checkerboard Skirt

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I woke that morning to the smell of coffee. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked over at the hotel vanity. Gina was standing there in just her diaper. She was washing her face. I could tell her diaper was dry by the wetness indicators unlike mine. Luckily I didn't go poop in the night. But I had peed. I wasn't soaked but I would need a change after my morning pee. I didn't bother to hold it. I had peed my diaper around Gina before. I was looking at Gina's reflection in the mirror while I let my pee flow.

Gina saw me and said, "Good morning sleepy head."

I mumbled, "Morning," Gina knows I am a slow waker.

"You want a cup of coffee?"

I didn't say anything. I just waved my hand to bring it on.

She poured me some in one of those cheap hotel styrofoam cups. She handed it to me and said "Careful it's hot."

I took a few sips. and was starting to wake up.

"You need help out of your diaper?" She asked.

"Naw, I'm OK." I said enjoying the aroma of crappy hotel coffee.

"We need Ice for the cooler." Gina explained as she slipped on the skirt and shirt she wore the night before. "I'm gonna go find the Ice machine." She grabbed her room key and left. I heard her rummaging in the truck. I suspected it was to find my large cooler on wheels.

I knew the concert was BYOB and thought of a nearby place to buy beer. I used the hotel WiFi and found a place to buy beer and one for breakfast. I managed to finish my coffee and scrub the sleep out of my eyes. I didn't pay attention to where I took off my diaper and let it plop on the floor. I sat on the toilet and turned on the nearby shower. The coffee managed it's trick. First to wake me up a little, and next to get my bowels to go. I managed a nice poop, flushed,  and wiped before I climbed in the shower. I was enjoying the warm water flowing over me when Gina came in and hugged me. I practically jumped to the ceiling.

"Don't sneak up on an old Vet like that! You might give me a heart attack!"

"Oh, sorry. I met a nice couple down the hall. They forgot their cooler. They said if we let the share ours we can share beer." She said.

I was too concerned with my shower to care. "Oh OK It sounds good to me."

Gina climbed in the shower with me. She rubbed the morning aches out of my back, shoulders, and other parts associated with over a decade of military service.

I felt soothed and relaxed. She washed me all over I felt an inner peace as she rubbed me down there and between my cheeks. It was not sexual. It was sensual. I didnt even think of anything I just let my mind relax.

I returned the favor. As I felt her rub against me I felt truly one with Gina. We just clicked. It's hard to explain. I just seemed like the right thing to do. I washed her and she washed me. Neither of us even tried anything sexual, but to an outsider it would have looked like we were.

After our shower we dried each other off and Gina stayed in the bathroom. I went out to get dressed. I put on my diaper, jeans, work boots and a flannel shirt. I only briefly saw Gina come out of the bathroom naked and root in her bags then head back in. She came out a little later in the cutest skirt and matching panties. It was checkerboard just like I suggested earlier. She sat on the bed next to me and slipped on her socks and some cowboy style boots then laced mine up and tied them.

I helped her up, and I grabbed our cooler and a backpack with diaper supplies for me. We headed out the door. I noticed the cooler was heavy I guessed it had Ice. We stopped a couple of of doors down. Gina knocked and an older lady answered (about sixty). They hugged and the lady said. "You guys look adorable!" "Your dad looks perfect."

It took some explaining but they got the gist of our relationship as an older guy about the lady's age loaded a six pack in the cooler. They introduced themselves, but I did not pay attention. The beer was nowhere near enough for me,  yet alone was it enough all four of us. I suggested to them that we stop on the way to get more.

We stopped at a place I found online and I bought a case of beer. We continued to walk the few blocks to the concert. The cooler was quite heavy with beer and ice we had to take turns. When it was the older couples turn, Gina walked beside me and placed her hand on my diapered bottom and gave a gentle squeeze. It is her way of making a subtle check of my diaper. She had done this before, and I gave her my usual response to let her know I was dry. I squeezed her bottom back. I was shocked to feel her diapered butt. I gave her a quizzical look. She just looked at me and smiled. I didn't want to "out" her so I just kept walking with my hand gently resting on her buttock. She kept hers on mine as we walked along behind the couple.

Finally we arrived at the site of the festival we found a place near the back. The music had started and was plenty loud enough to hear. We danced and played. I am sure the lady and the guy felt my diapered bottom as much as I felt their bottoms in "Regular"underwear. 

After awhile of drinking beer and having fun I was really soaked. I whispered in Gina's ear, "I need a change."

She whispered back, "I do too."

We danced together for awhile more until the couple went off supposedly to find the porta-johns.

I had no problem with Gina helping me change my diaper. A few people glanced over. They didn't seem to care except one or two seeing a young lady changing an old man's diaper. It was a little weird when Gina pulled down her panties and I changed her. 

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