Zack is Crushed/Gina is Confused

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Zack walked out of class. He didn't write the poem for any grade. His grades were already already high enough that he was guaranteed to pass.
He didn't bother to hold down his skirt as the wind blew it up. He ignored the dirty glances from the uppity students. Even when pee overflowed his diapers and down his legs he hardly noticed. He walked across campus and drove home.
Home he changed into clean diapers and flopped on the sofa not caring who saw him. This was the first time he wanted to be treated like a little. He just wanted a shoulder to cry on, and someone to cuddle and comfort him. He was tired of being the strong manly type. His notebook was on the end table. He threw it across the living room and started to cry. He finally fell asleep all cried out.

Gina hadn't planned on sitting in on Zack's reading today. Some other friends and loved ones came to hear other students. It wasn't uncommon for outsiders to be invited. The professor encouraged it. She welcomed the opinions of laypersons in the critique.

Zack never invited her before. He actually asked her not to come until then. He said he would be to shy to read in front of her. This time, he almost insisted. It wasn't difficult for her to get out of her study group that hour. They rarely stayed on topic anyways. It was a pleasure for her to finally have a genuine reason not to go to the gossip session.

Gina wasn't surprised when Zack left in a hurry. He often wet uncontrollably when he got nervous. She figured he needed an emergency diaper change. The poem he wrote was so beautiful and heartfelt she had to hide her head so Zack and the others wouldn't see the tears streaming down her face. She had only realized the night before that she fell in love with this beautiful man.
She was worried when he didn't come back.
The professor asked her to check on him. That's when she noticed Zack's book/diaper bag by his desk. She thought maybe he forgot it. She picked it up and went looking. He wasn't in the family restrooms right outside the class, nor was he in the gender neutral one down the hall. Zack often used the ladies room because they didn't judge his skirts and other women's clothes. She even asked a custodian to check the men's.
After looking at the quad, duck pond, and nature trail, she began to worry. She headed back to his class hoping he had returned. She carefully opened the door another student was reading with his back to her. The professor in the back saw her and gave her a slight head shake and shrug. Carol became really worried. Zack had never left campus without a quick 💘 U text. Or, some silly note to make her smile.
She walked hurriedly to her car. His truck wasn't in the space a few down from hers. She tried to remain calm driving home.
Relief came over her as she saw his truck in the driveway.
She walked in quietly not knowing what to expect. Zack had become so detached lately. She wanted to help but didn't know how.
Zack was on the couch sleeping in a wet diaper. Normally she would wake him to change into a fresh nappy. The "Magic Dolphins" that appear when his diapers are wet were only visible on the crotch. He could wait for a change. Instead she covered him with a throw and kissed him on the cheek. She thought she heard him mutter "I love you Genie." She dismissed it as wishful thinking, but whispered back, I love you too. With another gentle kiss and pat on his soft diapered bottom. She went about her day.

Zack's diapers might last a little longer.  Her diapers on the other hand were soaked.  She got undressed, placed her wet diapers in the pail and clothes in the hamper. She quietly got a glass of wine when she noticed. The corner of his notebook sticking out from under the table. She picked it up to straighten the pages when she noticed a picture of her taped to the inside cover. Curious, she went on the back patio to lounge and flipped through the pages.

The inside cover photo was of her in old ratty jeans and worn stained sweat shirt. Her hair was a tangled mess. I had just moved in. I needed help with getting my couch up the stairs. The delivery guys just left it by the curb. Zack's was the first door I knocked on. I thought it was weird when this older guy in just a skirt and sandals answered. The smell of food from his kitchen reminded me I was hungry. I thought about walking away from this perv, but I was desperate. I asked if he would help. Between the both of us we managed to get the monstrosity up the stairs. I was distracted by the view up the man's skirt. I am sure I saw a baby diaper. I didn't want to scare away my only help, I held my tongue. I did make sure he saw my pepper spray hanging from my keychain. It turned out he was a perfect gentleman.
We were both exhausted by the time we got it all set up. My stomach grumbled loudly. He invited me for some Gumbo Laya. It was a concoction of seafood rice and vegetables. It tasted wonderful. I looked at the caption below the picture from that day. It said one word. "Perfect." I was confused I looked like crap. I read on.

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