The Cops and a Good Massage

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The couple showed back up and we started dancing and having fun again. We only danced for a few minutes when the cops showed up. They approached me first and asked if me and my daughter had changed our diapers in public. Without admitting anything, I explained Gina and my relationship and asked if there was any law against changing diapers in public. If so they should take away the several people that had changed their kids. Also, I pointed out there were several kids from 2 to 5 I guessed. Boys and girls were running around in just undies or diapers. Some were even naked.

The cops didn't appreciate my point of view and decided to handcuff me and place me on the grass. Gina freaked out. She was yelling and cussing at the cops. The couple calmed her down and the lady stepped up. I turned out she was a lawyer and there was no specific law against changing diapers in public, and Gina and I did not "display our genitals in a lewd or lascivious way to attract sexual attention." We just changed each other's diapers. Just the same as all the others changed their kids.

All that said, I was uncuffed and we were asked to leave park because it was a "Private Venue."

I was a little pissed off, but decided I did not like handcuffs, so I kept my mouth shut. Gina and the couple helped me up and we left. The lady did manage to get us a refund for our tickets. The funny thing is at the edge of the park we could hear the music fine. There were a bunch of people there. We all danced and played. We shared our beer and some shared their food. We had more fun than if we were at the actual concert. There was a bar and liquor store right across the street so the beer and food kept flowing. I didn't mind because our refund gave us plenty of cash.

I was exhausted and a little drunk after a couple of hours. I tried to stay semi sober, and Gina could tell. "Let's get you home Daddy." she laughed.

The couple decided to stay, but didn't mind us taking the cooler. It seemed much heavier then when we started. We managed the few blocks back to the hotel. Back in our room I didn't bother with formalities. I stripped down naked and put my soaked diaper in the bin. Gina was wet also, so I helped her off with hers and her dress. I put on a skirt and sandals and took the trash out to the dumpster. I am sure a few passers by got a glimpse of my naked bottom and stuff as the wind blew up my skirt, but I was just tipsy enough not to care. By the time I got back to the room my beer buzz was wearing off. I opened the cooler and it had twice as much beer as when we started. Gina was sitting on the edge of the bed watching TV sipping a beer. She was still naked.

 "Skirts looks cute on you. You should wear them more often." She said.

I could not tell if she was joking or serious.

"You think so?" I replied flashing my bottom at her. I took it off and asked, "Do you prefer me naked?"

"It's not many men that have a body like yours."

Curious, I sat in the bed next to her. "What do you mean?"

"You are tall but not to tall. You are slender but not skinny. You have a small bottom but it is muscular. You thing is built like you. It is long and slender." She continued placing her hand in my naked lap. "You are an overall attractive man."

"Thanks." I blushed. "You are the hottest lady I have seen in a long time. And probably the nicest I have ever met." I placed my hand cupping her vagina. 

We sat like that for a while hugging with each others hands in laps. We watched some silly game show on TV. We giggled and laughed at the funny parts and tried to guess the answers. As the sun was going down, exhaustion took over, and I laid back and fell asleep. I woke later after dark The TV was still on the news and I could feel Gina's Naked body pressed against me. I glanced at the clock it said 6:38. I guess I was out for about an hour. I had an erection. Not from sexual excitement, I had to pee. I managed to get out of bed without much noise and peed in the toilet. I guess that woke Gina. She came in while I was sitting on the toilet peeing.

"You pee sitting down?" She came in and said rubbing the sleep from her nap.

I finished peeing and said, "I find it easier than lifting the seat."

"Oh, I thought you always wore diapers for that?"

"Not always. Sometimes I like to wear panties or go commando." I flushed and stood up. My knees cracked and my joints hurt. 

Gina had to steady me.

"Occasionally I'll have an accident but it hasn't happened in public yet." I continued. "I must have over done it." I said as my body felt old.

"Go lay on the bed. I'll be out in a minute to help." Gina ordered nicely. I heard the trickle of pee and the shower start. 

I stacked two pillows against the headboard. laid back on top of the covers and found the remote. I was flipping thru channels when Gina came back out stil naked.

"Come on, a warm shower will do you good." She grabbed my hand. With little protest, I let her lead me into the shower. I felt the soothing warmness of the water washing over me and Gina's soft touch massage rubbing me from behind. I became so relaxed I barely realized I had started peeing. Gina was gently holding me while I finished. She massaged my crotch and buttocks.

"Let's get you dried off, and we'll finish this on the bed." She led me out the door and dried me off. 

There was no particular flirtation. It just seemed like what two friends would do. When I was a kid in summer camp decades ago me and my friends, both boys and girls together swam naked, used the toilet, showered, and dried each other off all the time. Sure boys got boners and we played with each other's peni and vaginas, but it was more like a game than sex. That's sorta how it felt now. The hippie days were much more open about that stuff.

Gina laid out a diaper for me and thoroughly massaged baby oil all around down there. When I got and erection she didn't skip a beat. She just continued to stroke me until I had an orgasm. She went to the sink got a washcloth and cleaned me. 

I was embarrassed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to do that." I apologised.

She continued to fasten my diaper and even gave my penus a loving kiss. before tucking it in. "Don't apologise. You're a man, I understand." She said comforting me. "Besides, I have to see men get hard when I give them sponge baths at work. I wait for them to go down or leave the room while they finish. With you I like to help."

"We're not becoming a couple are we?" I was concerned we were becoming more than friends.

She said something that pointed out both our ages. "You are sooo nineteen eighties." She tickled me pinned me down and asked. "Haven't you ever had a fuck friend?"

From the name, I guessed what she meant. "I had a few guy friends and we had sex, but the only girls I had sex with were my highschool sweetheart and my ex-wife."

She continued to massage me until I fell blissfully asleep.

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