chapter 54

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Connor drove us to my house so I could get my things. When I went inside my mom was sitting on the couch. I could tell that she had been crying.

"Hey mom what's wrong"

"Nothing I'm just going to miss my baby girl"

"You go on business trips all the time without me so it will be fine"

"Yeah but we're always together on Christmas"

"Look mom I will be back in no time it's okay" I said hugging her

I ran upstairs and said goodbye to Jake and grabbed my bags from my room. When I returned to the living room my dad was hugging Riley and telling him to take care of me. I wonder what else he told him.

"Bye dad I love you" I said giving him a hug

"Bye sweety be safe and have fun. Always think before you make a decision"

"I know I will"

And with that we left and headed to the McDonoughs

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