chapter 8

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We are starting a new chapter in our government class so we had to take a pre-test. Because of this Connor and I didn't get to talk that much. By the time everyone was done there was about 15 minutes of class left. Mr. Wright then passed out a worksheet. It was a list of vocabulary words that we had to define. He told us that we could work with a partner. Connor quickly asked me if we could work together. I accepted his offer.

There were 20 words on the list so we decided that we would both define 10 and then copy each other. While we were looking up the definitions we had little conversations. I found out that we have a lot in common with each other. We both like Disney movies, we both like swimming, we both like peanut butter, neither of us are single, and we both LOVE Starbucks.

When the bell rang I stepped out in the hallway with Connor. Riley was there.

"Hey how was the rest of your day" I asked him

"Good how was yours"

"Great...umm I'll see you guys tomorrow" I yelled picking up my pace because I saw Zach up ahead of us and he was headed our way with a serious look on his face.

"Hey babe what's wrong" I asked

"You know" he responded grabbing my arm and leading us out of the school

"No I don't tell me"


"What about him"

"He is trying to steal you from me"

"No he's not. And plus its not gonna happen I'm yours and you know that"

"Say it again" he said through gritted teeth as he dug his thumb deep into my arm

"I'm not going to leave you for Riley"

"Good" he yelled letting go of my arm causing me to stumble backwards.

My arm had a throbbing pain where his fingers were. He quickly kissed me and we went our separate ways to get on our buses.


When I got done eating dinner I went up to my room and laid on my bed just thinking. Zach has been getting more and more violent and abusive lately; I bet Riley would never even think about laying his hands on someone. All Zach has to do is kiss me and he knows I'll forgive him; I wonder if Riley is a good kisser I bet he is. I looked over at my clock and noticed Zach's bottle of Axe on my dresser. I wonder what kind of cologne Riley wears. I was beginning to get mad at myself because everything I thought about related back to Riley somehow and I don't know why. Its not like I like him or something. At least I don't think I do.

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