chapter 16

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"Oh my god he did this to you"

Riley looked really mad. I had never saw him like this before and to be honest it made me kind of scared.

"Yeah but don't say anything please"

"Ashley this is not okay and he can't keep getting away with it"

"I know I will do something it's just...I'm scared if he finds out you know it will only get worse"

"Okay but I'm telling you now if you don't do something soon I will have to, you don't deserve this, no one does"

"I know and that kinda leads to my next point. Zach had mentioned that he thought you were going to steal me from him and I told him it wouldn't happen. But that's when I realized that I do like you and so yesterday I had what I thought was a brilliant idea. If I stayed away from you and didn't talk to you as much those feelings would go away. I mean I have only known you for such a short time, but I was wrong. I was wrong to treat you that way, you didn't deserve it but even more than that I was wrong because it didn't make the feelings go away it only made them stronger. And then when it took you so long to call me I thought you hated me and it was one of the worst feelings ever and so yeah...I guess that is everything" I explained as tears ran down my face

"Look Ashley I could never hate you" Riley said grabbing my hands in his

We just sat there for a minute looking into each others eyes

"Since you've been honest with me I guess I have to be honest now too. When I found out we were moving here I was devastated I hated the whole idea. I didn't want to leave my friends and family, or to have to start a new school and make new friends. To be honest I was a little scared but then I met you and I instantly knew that moving here is the best thing that could have ever happened to me. Even if we're never more than friends I have gained one of the bestest friends ever. You're so sweet and caring. The way you just let me intrude on your school day. You are so nice and you don't have to be. Yesterday when you weren't speaking to me it made me realize how much I care for you too because I realized I never want it to be like that again. Look I'm not trying to take you from Zach at all I just want you to know that I'm always going to be here for you no matter what and you can trust me when I say that."

I looked up just in time to see a tear slip down his cheek before he quickly wiped it away. I didn't realize that I mean this much to him.

"Instead of us sitting here crying why don't we go to my house. You can even spend the night if thats okay with you and your parents because what if he comes back again. I don't trust him. In plus Connor and Toby are there we could play games or something" Riley spoke up

"Yeah that sounds fun and my parents are in Japan until Wednesday so let's go" I replied slipping on my shoes and grabbing my keys

The second I opened up the front door I found out that was a really bad idea though.

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